Hex Trappers

Hex Trappers are an elite organization of hunters who track and contain rogue magical threats in the world. They do not answer to any one government, but are partially funded by all governments via one of the few global pacts in existence.    


  Trappers are well known for their attire. Although there is not full uniform/dress code among the Trappers, there are a few key items all Trappers will keep on their person:  
  • The capotain: Most if not all Trappers wear a leather capotain, the inside lined with enchanted runes.

  • Epaulette Pauldrons: These carry their Hex Trapper badges, which display their Title as well as grade. There are no names on the badges, just their Title and grade. Although many Titles and grades have been witnessed, there is no public understanding of how the ranking system works internally. It is not known if these Titles denote their specialty, department or standing in the organization. It can be assumed the Grade is an internal ranking within each Title. From eyewitness reports, the following ranks have been confirmed:
    ○ Stalker, Grades 1, 2, 4, 8
    ○ Chasseur, Grades 1, 3, 4
    ○ Shikari, Grades 1, 2
    ○ Venator, No grades witnessed on badge
    ○ Jæger, No grades witnessed on badge
    ○ Sayyaad, Grades 1, 2, 5
    ○ Heliwr, No Grades witnessed on badge
    ○ Sealgair, Grades 2, 4
    ○ Termagant Elder, No Grade, Second in command. Only rank to have confirmed structural standing within the organization.

  • Silver Bevor: This neck and face armor is also lined with runes and made of the purest Silver and Steel compound metal, and all have been forged in Silvergrove Smith's Guild . The composition is a fiercely guarded secret, as is exactly what this alloy does.
  Other than these three defining features, most Trappers tend to dress in whatever is comfortable/practical for the mission at hand, although they do stick to a general black and burgundy coloring. Some of these defining items may also be missing if not practical for the case's locale or circumstances as well.


Although many Titles and grades have been witnessed, there is no public understanding of how the ranking system works internally. It is not known if these Titles denote their specialty, department or standing in the organization. It can be assumed the Grade is an internal ranking within each Title. From eyewitness reports, the following ranks have been confirmed (unconfirmed ranks between confirmed ranks can be assumed to exist)    
  • Stalker, Grades 1, 2, 4, 8
  • Chasseur, Grades 1, 3, 4
  • Shikari, Grades 1, 2
  • Venator, No grades witnessed on badge
  • Jæger, No grades witnessed on badge
  • Sayaad, Grades 1, 2
  • Heliwr, No Grades witnessed on badge
  • Sealgair, Grades 2, 4
  • Termagant Elder , No Grade, Second in command. Only rank to have confirmed structural standing within the organization.
  Other than the existence of the Termagant Elder , not much else is known about the hierarchy of the Trappers. The Head Elder of the organization is also unknown to the world at large, with all public facing interactions handled by the Termagant Elder . Due to this, most of the world assumes that the Termagant Elder is the head of the organization, with only a select few understanding that the Elder is in fact only second in command. It is also not known how exactly the Trappers are given their missions and how much sway each country has on the organization.


Trappers are an 'open secret' in The World, as they do not necessarily work in secret/undercover, but they also do not disclose more information than is necessary to complete their cases. One of the most terrifying moments any local constabulary can face is the arrival of a Hex Trapper, as their involvement never bodes well for any criminal case. The Trappers have full impunity and immunity across all borders, and it is not rare for multiple individuals involved in a case to disappear along with the accused rogue magician, once the case has wrapped up.   Trappers themselves are from all walks of life, as well as all species. They are trained to the peak of their species physical limits, and possess knowledge of varying forms of martial and armed combat arts. Trappers are usually trained from childhood, mostly recruited from orphanages across the lands. Although Trappers mostly rely on their extreme martial trainings, some do have training in magical arts. In addition, all are imbued with enchantments and magical relics to use in the field. Termagant Elder, the second highest position among Trappers, utilizes enchantments on all new recruits to aid them in their missions. The Termagant also enchants runes which the Trappers utilize in their weapons and gear.   Many sightings of the Trappers happen after large scale magical events. For example, after the The Ssleestak Etchings incident, for years, Trappers were sighted in what was left of the village. People claimed to observe them studying and removing items from the village before its final raze by the Monarchy. They have also been seen directly after any major Shadow Minstrels or Skinwalkers incident.   It is not uncommon to see a Trapper stationed at Midnight Clubs , observing the coming and goings on. This has effected business in some areas to the point where Club Guildmasters have petitioned the local governments to step in and prevent their presence. These cries have fallen on mostly deaf ears, as the governments simply seem unable or unwilling to step into the Trappers business. It is assumed they stalk the clubs in order to gain information on possible feral Werefolk or Eldritch Vampires.

Public Agenda

Despite their public facing agenda to protect the world from Rogue supernatural incidents, many people question their motives in taking and imprisoning the rogue users, instead of executing them. Rumors persist that they Trappers are using the prisoners in some fashion to perform a myriad of conspiratorial theories. Their public image is not aided by the fact that Trappers have taken upon themselves to be the de-facto police of Midnight Clubs  Some of the purposed theories as to why Hex Trappers kidnap instead of execute, whenever possible, range in scope from plausible to ludicrous. It has been floated that they are recruiting those they abscond with, utilize them as food, torture them, mate with them to birth new recruits, mortar them into the walls of their buildings, sew their clothing from the missing person's skins, and the list goes on. As so far, none of these theories have been confirmed with any credible proof.


The exact funding of the Hex Trappers is unknown, but can be assumed to be vast and virtually infinate, due to the fact that every country in ÁVRA pays into funding the Hex Trappers. It is safe to say a Trapper has never felt want for their needs both personal and professional.   As for their physical assets, their exact numbers and equipment stores are completely unknown to the outside world.


The Trappers were organized as a way to police the proliferation of magic users and the growing number of curses brought upon the world from them, after the Great Migration, as their power was seen as a possible threat to those who were not magically inclined. To be able to contain those users who were trapped by the group, the World Governments claimed domain of the island that would eventually become Ríocht , and utilized it as a penal colony for these rogue individuals. The cover story to the world at large was that Ríocht was simply a penal colony claimed by Rivals Monarchy in use for all crimes, as to help hide the existence of the Trappers' Prison.   It is not known if the Trapper Prison still exists in some form on the island nation, or if the nation is in league with the Trappers in upkeeping it if it does still exist. Most assume the base of operations have long since been moved to another location in ÁVRA. What is known is that somehwere in the world exists a base of operations, as the Trappers have only grown in number and use since the original Prisons founding and subsequent dissapearance.   It is not fully understood when the nations of the world came together to found the Hex Trappers. By process of logical elimination, based on the founding of countires, the first sightings of Trappers, etc. It is generally accepted that the organization was founded a few hundred years before the independence of Dunnywild . It is assumed that Dunnywild was grandfathered into the payment terms of the organization, after its creation. This means that, while not ancient, the organization is deeply tied into the world politics of the current day.   Of note is the consistency of the Trappers uniforms, through their existence. Originally the Hex Trappers were refered to by The People as "Wraiths" or "Wraith Men", as Trappers were originally clad in black robes and wide brimmed hats. Eventually, as the organization grew and became more independant of the World Governments, the Black and Burgandy long coats and signature Pauldrons/Bevors appeared. Through their entire history, the wide brimmed Capotain has always been present, and is the main signature of a Trapper's visage. It can be assumed that these enchanted items are engineered by the organization with knowledge gained from those they capture, utilizaing a mentality of using the enemies powers against them. This is further bolstered by the inscription on the Hex Trappers Crest: "Ad mundum emundandum, igni igne pugnandum est", or, "To cleanse the world, we must fight fire with fire".

Technological Level

Trappers have been observed utilizing any and all technology available in the world. In fact, the only way it is semi-confirmed that Dunnywild is partially funding the organization (despite being formed after their origination) is due to Trappers being outfitted with technology normally not exported past their borders. Trappers will utilize whatever tools neccesary to perform their work, whether technological or magical, in order to ensure a succesful mission.


The Hex Trappers do not internally adhere to any one religion, but do show outward respect towards all religions they encounter. When dealing with holy/consecrated grounds, they will make all attempts to abide by local religious dogma and tradition out of respect. They have also been known to perform their work outside of religious holidays in order to respect the customs associated with the traditions (ie, if a particular holiday demands no work performed on that day, the Trapper will cease activities and pick up the next day).


Hex Trappers are above all laws of any lands. No constabulary or militia dares interfere with the business of Trappers, no matter how extreme their actions. Those that do attempt to prevent the actions of a Trapper tend to either end up dead or missing, in some extreme cases, their own families denying their very existence out of fear. The Trappers have complete impunity in the world and are one of the few organizations that are equally feared, revered and respected by all ruling parties.


While the main headquarters of the organization is unknown, there are stations set up within major cities in the world, where civillians and constabulary can contact and apply for Hex Trapper assistance. These are known as Trapper Cabals, and are small stations with dormatories, manned by 2-3 Trappers at all times. The Trappers will live in the Cabal, and while the rotations exact timing is uknown, will rotate staff on average semi-annually. Other than the missions taken by the Trappers from the locals at Cabals, it is unknown still how they recieve their missions for more catostrophic/worldwide events (such as their arrival at the The Ssleestak Etchings incident before any other militia/constabulary).

"Ad mundum emundandum, igni igne pugnandum est"~ Script on a Hex Trappers Crest

Crest of the Hex Trappers
Hex Trapper without his Bevor
Founding Date
within a few hundred years of the founding of Dunnywild
Secret, Military
Alternative Names
Hexes/Hexies, Trappers
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Notable Members


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