Lore and its importance in character creation


A world as intricate as Ávra has been meticulously crafted with time and dedication. As new players, we kindly request you to immerse yourselves in the lore. Every action, every encounter, every triumph—you name it—contributes to the living history of Ávra. Therefore, when sculpting your character, tread with care to seamlessly weave their story into the tapestry of our world.   The bright side? Ávra welcomes a myriad of fantasy and steampunk-inspired characters. Feel free to introduce your pre-made character to the adventures here, but do keep a watchful eye on a few particulars to ensure you're not inadvertently disrupting the lore. Let's create some magic together in Ávra!    

Who, what, where, why and when

The classic five W's. They're like the secret sauce for whipping up a brand new character or giving an existing one a snazzy makeover. Let's dive into the magic of creating characters, shall we?   So, you're gearing up to dive into Ávra and shape your character's destiny—awesome! By now, you've hopefully taken a peek at The World Compendium to get a feel for the lay of the land, explored the diverse Playable Species/Species Rules, and checked out the fascinating Countries and The Culture . If not, no worries! Take a quick tour to immerse yourself in the world awaiting your arrival.   Ready to craft your character? Fantastic! Let's go over some Ávra basics to keep in mind for your character creation, regardless of their species or culture.   No Inter-Species Drama: Good news—Ávra is pretty chill on the inter-species drama front. However, internal species issues do exist, sadly. Keep an eye out for cultural nuances, like elves throwing around the term "Paste Skin" for those not shimmering. It's a touchy subject, so tread lightly.   Peaceful Vibes: Overall, Ávra is enjoying a time of peace. No major country clashes at the moment, but keep an ear to the ground as campaigns progress. Different countries have their own histories and perspectives, so be mindful of those dynamics.   Royal Red Tape: Thinking of a royal character? Hold your horses! Check in with someone before donning that crown, as most, if not all, leadership roles are either set or in the works.   The Pat Connection: Every character needs to know Pat the Cat in some way. It's the one non-negotiable, so make sure to weave this into your character's story in a logical way.   Now that we've got the lay of the land, let's dive into those five W's and craft an epic story together!      


Alright, let's dive into the heart of the matter! WHO is your character? Seems like a straightforward question, but trust me, it's a big deal! We're dedicating an entire section to it because it sets the tone for your character's entire journey. So spill the beans—what's your character's full name, and what's their preferred moniker? Give us the deets, and let's bring this character to life!  


Now that we've got a name, let's dive into the exciting realm of defining what that name represents! This is where the real fun begins. Think of a species that resonates with your character, and once you've got one in mind, take a deep dive into learning all about it. Some species have certain restrictions on mating, like Frogkind , so creating a halfbreed Frogkind might throw a curveball into your character's backstory. And oh, the magic of Half Breeds!   It opens up a whole treasure trove of storytelling possibilities—your parentage, upbringing, and the unique challenges your character faced during childhood.Keep in mind that the prevalence of certain species can vary from country to country, shaping your character's origin story in ways we'll explore later on.   Now, let's go a step further. Different species often have distinct types. Fancy being an Elf? Great choice! But now you'll need to pick a subtype—Burg Elves or Wood Elves, perhaps? Your choice can significantly influence where your character hails from or currently resides. Being mindful of your character's species is a crucial building block for crafting their lore, even before you put pen to paper!  


So, you've got your species sorted and know where they call home. Now, let's dig into the juicy stuff—why are they the amazing individual they've become? Everyone's journey is a treasure trove of tales, each contributing to the person they are in this very moment. What town did they first see the light of day in? How plush or not-so-plush was their upbringing? Who were their ride-or-die friends? The crazy uncle or wise grandma? What pivotal moments shaped their outlook? Why did they pick the profession they did? What skills did they master? Oh, and of course, the all-important question: Do they have a soft spot for a Branston Pickle ? (I mean, who doesn't?)   The WHY is the soul of your story, built on the solid foundation of the who, what, and where. Dive deep—there's no such thing as too much lore!   Quick tip while weaving their history: Any side characters you cook up for their lore should find a cozy spot in The World Compendium . So, have a basic rundown of their tales too! You don't need to go overboard, but a snappy summary of these folks will add some extra flavor to your character's story. Ready to unleash those creative sparks? Let's roll!    


Ah, the timeless question of when! This one's a breeze, just like the WHO. So, how many trips around the sun has your character completed? Are they young, old, or perhaps a touch on the decrepit side? Maybe they're ageless, dancing through time like it's their own personal party? Time, my friend, leaves its mark on us all, shaping who we are in every way imaginable, just like the other W's. Your character's age not only paints a vivid picture of their personal journey but also determines the historical chapters of Ávra they've witnessed. Older characters bring a unique perspective, having front-row seats to more of Ávra's history. Age, my friend, is a golden thread weaving through the fabric of the other five W's, crafting a story rich in experiences and wisdom! Ready to explore the sands of time in Ávra? Let's uncover those hidden treasures!    

Putting it all together

  Congratulations! You've nailed down all your W's, and now it's time to weave them into the rich tapestry of your character! Go all out with the details—remember, there's no such thing as too much lore! The more intricate your character's backstory, the more you'll have to play with during the game. Your character's history will be the guiding force behind every move they make, so having a well-fleshed-out lore is like having a treasure trove of possibilities at your fingertips during your Ávra adventures.   Now, unleash your creativity and start penning down that character, my friend! And hey, if you've got any burning questions, don't hesitate to reach out to Ramenking1985 or Zervexon for a helping hand! Plus, if you've got something awesome to add to the compendium, hit us up—we're all ears!   We're super excited to welcome you to the vibrant world of Ávra! Get ready for an epic journey!

"It begins with a character, usually, and once he stands up on his feet and begins to move, all I can do is trot along behind him with a paper and pencil trying to keep up long enough to put down what he says and does." ― William Faulkner

Quick Tips for Character Creation

  • Who: Whats your name stranger?
  • What: Come into the light, so I can get a look at you...
  • Where: Tell me of your homelands, stranger!
  • Why: Tell me the tales of your youth! What brought you to my door this day?
  • When: Tell me, how many years have you wandered these lands?


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