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Tartaran is an independent town in which it is run by an elected mayor. There are 5 districts that make up the town. The market district is located in the northern part of town. The common district is where the commoners of Tartaran live. The upper district is located on the western side of Tartaris River that flows through town. The memorial district is where families of Tartaran bury their dead to be tended by the priests of Erastils temple. The outer district is the farmland that is located outside of the walls of Tartaran.


Half Elf: 45%
Human: 42%
Dwarf: 4%
Gnome: 4%
Orc: 3%
Elf: below 1%
Halfling: below 1%
Tiefling: below 1%
Goblin: below 1%
Kobold: below 1%


Tartaran holds elections when the townspeople begin to question the abilities of their current mayor. The mayor finalizes all decisions discussed among the town council consisting of the towns 13 noble families. The families are Adam, Imshamo, Riber, Fer, Mccallum, Thorsen, Mclov, Gunnarson, Mccoy, Craig, Kradaws, Mugont and Barddock. The main source of income for Tartaran is through trade of harvest and the townspeoples craftmanship. There is a tax for living and owning a business in Tartaran that goes to the reconstruction of roads, buildings, and ammenities.


Stone Wall
  • 2 Metal Portcullis creates a killing area for trapped attackers trying to enter town.
  • Guard Towers on either side of the portcullis'
  • Inner Wall protects the mayors mansion in the event that the outer wall fails. There is a postern gate where the mayor may escape in the event the citys defenses fail.
  • Industry & Trade

    Tartaran relies on its trade of crops with the other settlements of Berghen. When traveling Merchants come through town the tradeskills such as smithing, leatherwork, alchemy and the like, fuel the econonomy as well. Compared to the commoners from settlements of Katatan, the commoners of Tartaran do not hurt for coin even if they are not considered wealthy.


    Market District:
  • The market district is full of bustling trade activity. Different meats, herbs, spices, vegetables, and fruits are sold in canvas covered stalls on the side of the roads. The districts permanent shops are buildings surrounded by the stalls outside. Here there is always something to sell or buy, many pickockets hang around in this area always looking for some easy coin.
  • Common District:
  • The commoners of Tartaran reside in this district. There is a well that everyone in the common district must share, and the temple of Erastil. People can be seen traveling through town probably heading to work or do some shopping for their day. The crime rate is slightly higher in the common district because of the homeless that can be found squatting in alley ways and the occasional bandit that sneaks into town.
  • Upper District:
  • The upper district is where the noble families and other families with more wealth than the average resident of Tartaran live. There are 3 wells in this district, a barracks, the mayors mansion and the apothecary. Crime is lower in this district because there is more guards patroling the area than in the common district.
  • Memorial District:
  • This district is where the graveyard of Tartaran is located. The families of Tartaran bury their dead here. The priests of Erastil's temple tend to the gravesites and maintain the grounds keeping them pristine in respect to their lost loved ones.
  • Outer District:
  • The outer district consists of all of the farms and homesteads outside of Tartarans walls. This district faces the most crime due to being outside of the walls. Bandits often steal crops from farmers and the fauna of Berghen often cause mischief for the farmers as well. Regardless of this Berghens agriculture remains prosperous fueling the cities income through trade with traveling merchants.
  • History

    Construction of Tartaran began in 5020 AC. The newly formed Berghen Mining Company was hired by the noble families to mine and craft the resources needed for development. After some time a small village turned to a trade town that devotes it's time to community and social wellbeing through the worship of their god Erastil.

    Points of interest

    Erastil's Temple
    Tartaran Graveyard
    Tartaris River


    The buildings in Tartaran are constructed with stone and oak. They have a rustic style with stone archways, oak doors and dark red shingling. Many of the house have smoking chimneys evidence to the fires inside used for warmth and cooking.


    Tartaran is built on the plains to the west of the Cragged Mountains. Tartaris River flows through the center of town providing a constant source of clean water in the towns wells.


    During the Spring and Summer months Tartaran is subject to practically perfect climate conditions. These conditions make most of berghen well known for its agricultre however Tartarans location is on highly fertile land compared to most.

    Natural Resources

    Red Oak
    Basic Metal Ores
    Wild Game


    • Tartaran Town Map
    Founding Date
    Inhabitant Demonym
    Characters in Location

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