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The City of Malandirli

The City of Malandrili Base Map Image

Local Culture and Practices:

It seems that a new fashion trend has taken hold in Malandirli. Followers of the Church of Rornir have taken to wearing pointed shoes, with gold-colored crowns hanging from the tips of the footwear. Members of the noble class (and those of the merchant class that can afford such things) usually use real gold for the crowns. 

Pride of the City:

The inhabitants of Malandirli take pride in the local livestock. People say that the surrounding area produces the best cuts of choice beef and lamb.


The busy captial of the Territory of Van boasts inhabitants from most races. The majority being human, there are large populations of dwarves as well.


Surrounded by a large curtain wall the city is overspilling it's walls. With a keep for governmental organizations to work out of and a centrally located stockade for the local garrison. The curtain wall boasts watch towers along its entire length with several gates giving easy access to the city from whatever the direction travellers are coming from.

Industry & Trade

The city of Malandirli hosts a vast array of industries. Being the seat of Imperial power in the territory, there are many great artisans that make their home here. Blacksmiths, Armorers, Weaponsmiths and Horse Traders all support the rest of the province with their respective trade in the city. The city hosts a thriving herbalism trade as well, in the Grove District. The Jewelers of Pearlcrest create wonderful works of art for the local nobility to wear and enjoy a thriving export market based on the freshwater pearls that are harvested in the Susgamau River system.


  • North Gate
  • Old Town
  • Cheeselodge
  • Southway
  • West Road

Points of interest

  • Pearlcrest
  • Rat Meadow
  • The Grove


In the summertime, those that can afford it, often enjoy river cruises up and down the Susgamau River system. Generally meant for the nobility and rich merchants, these cruises sometimes become moving trade emporiums with several big agreements being reached for the coming year.


Located in a fairly centralized location in the Territory of Van and along the river Susgamau. Malardirli is surrounded by the Taiga.


Like other settlements in the Territory of Van the citizens of Malandirli must entire the harsh winters that come with living on the northern peninsula. Summer time is at least made bearable for the nobility with the availability of river cruises up and down the Susgamau River.

Natural Resources

  • Lumber
  • Ores from the surrounding mines and settlements
  • Freshwater pearls
  • Herbs
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