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The Town of Kiyeliya

The Town of Kiyeliya Base Map Image


The town of Kyeliya is made up of largely human and elven settlers.


The town is protected by a large stockade and its garrison.

Industry & Trade

Being on the southern coast of the Territory of Van, Kiyeliya supports the surrounding settlements with it's shipments of fish. It also is home to a thriving herbalism industry. The town is also the source of much of the good charcoal for running the northern forges in the territory.


  • Highstair
  • Hermits Fair
  • Forlorn End


Kiyeliya resides on the southern shores of the territory, set back from the coast in a deciduous forest.


The citizens of Kiyeliya built their settlement back in the forest, away from the coast, which affords them some of the easiest winters in all of the Territory of Van. The hardwood that is available for harvest is of great value both for firewood in the winter and for the lumber trade.

Natural Resources

  • Hardwood
  • Fish
  • Herbs
The Known World
Map of the Known World
Location under
Owning Organization


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