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The Town of Chiv

The Town of Chiv Base Map Image


The majority of the polulation is made up of Humans, however there are some dwarves and elves that have made Chiv their home in the past 100 years.


The town has a small stockade that a local garrison operates out of.

Industry & Trade

The main industries in Chiv are fishing and hunting/trapping with smaller industries being logging and farming.


  • Trollwood
  • Brewers Point
  • Flount's Bridge


Chiv is located along the shores of the Jade river in the north west quadrant of The Territory of Van . The surrounding land consists of dense Taiga. Further out from the village are large wetlands.


Chiv is bearable in the summer months, but during the winter, is known for brutal storms that often leave the residents of Chiv trapped inside for days on end. The late spring and summer months are plagued by swarms of black flies and other biting insects.

Natural Resources

  • Fish/Seafood
  • Furs
  • Lumber
  • Some grain
The Known World
Map of the Known World
The Emblem for the town of Chiv
Location under
Owning Organization


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