Mission #5: Darkest Dreams of the Defiler

Plot points/Scenes

The Grand Souk

This souk is similar to those found in the middle east IRL, just google "souk" and you'll see what I mean. Crowded, never built with cars in mind. The alleys are just wide enough for two-way foot traffic, most stalls are small and run by just one person. Goods are heaped everywhere, hanging from cables overhead and piled in every avaliable space. Parts of the souk where expensive goods are sold are in actual buildings, but again, the spaces inside are tiny.

Kayla's House of Repose

Located on the edge of the souk, so as to have more space for cafe tables. This "house" is more like a grand hotel, with very nice rooms by the hour. The first floor is about 3 feet above street level, and has a wide veranda that wraps around the building. Here you can sit in the shade and people watch. Which is exactly what soggy Wren likes to do.

Mystic Palms private event facility

This building sits apart from the main resort. It is built into a hill, facing the beach. The ground floor is a banquet hall, with several sets of double doors opening up on the patio and a view of the beach. A set of stairs on either side of the hall lead to a balcony overlooking the ground floor, with doors that lead to the hill top garden, complete with a "lazy river" style pool.

a shocking discovery
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