Mission #1: A Snake in the Grass

Scene #1: The Grand Souk; Klevin's shop, "The Weave of Life"   Klevin has heard rumors from some of his local merchant contacts about a recent bout of illegal and stolen merchandise being smuggled through the harbor district. The amount of thefts and black market goods has increased over the past few tendays, noticeably affecting the prosperity of of many of the tradesfolk within the city.

Word from one of Klevin's contacts is that there is some sort of dangerous artifact being smuggled into the city. The smugglers are using a secret passage that leads from the docks in the Tiryki Anchorage to somewhere near the dock area of the Harbor district. The contact provided him with the location of where the passage exits on the smuggler's side.

Since the docks outside the town are largely unpatrolled, Klevin asks the party to investigate, discover the nature of this artifact, and shut down the smuggling operation. He offers a 50 gold reward for accomplishing this task. Should the party accept, he tells them the location of the entrance.


Moral Quandaries

The smugglers' loot includes a poisoner's kit and several crates of blackmarket drugs. Does the party keep them, sell them to Po, destroy them, or turn them over to Klevin?



  • The Merchant's Ward
  • Tyriki Anchorage
  • The Smuggler's Passage
  • An empty warehouse

Past Events

The carvings in the wall are similar to the carvings in the lost temple. They are ancient Ki'naoian pictographs.

The smugglers' hideout.
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