The Kingdom of Qethanvale in the Realm of Aefeodel

The Era of the Aefeodel Empire

1832 FA 0 FA

  • 1832 FA


    Gennon Enthroned
    Political event

    Following the successful unification of the 12 warring factions, Gennon is enthroned as Empress of the newly created Aefeodel Empire.

  • 1827 FA

    The First Synod of Magisters
    Gathering / Conference

    Gathering of warlocks called by Empress Gennon to impose magical limits on the Elves.

  • 1825 FA

    The Great Cataclysm
    Disaster / Destruction

    Major seismic event that caused destruction and death across Aefeodel.

  • 1824 FA

    1819 FA

    The Great Purge
    Military action

    Empress Gennon's campaign to subjegate non-human sentient life.

  • 1802 FA

    8 /7

    Empress Gennon Dies
    Life, Death

    "Genean 8th"

    After thirty years on the throne Empress Gennon dies, leaving the throne to her only heir, the new Empress Emrynlyn.

  • 1802 FA

    8 /7 12:00

    Accession of Empress Emrynlyn
    Political event

    Genean 8th

The Terrible Divorce

0 FA 1 AG

The Dissolusion of the Aefeodel Empire resulting in the formation of the seven Kingdoms.

  • 1 AG

    Formation of The Kingdom of Qethanvale

Reign of King Eferant the Communicator

2 AG 21 AG

19 year reign.

  • 11 AG

    12 /2

    Annexation of Kairnern Castle
    Military action

    Frenistry 12th, 11

    Led by King Eferant the Communicator, Qethanvale claims the land immediately around the former Aefodel capital as its own and establishes its permanent border with the Kingdom of Niobrix at the Penath Isthmus.

The Reign of King Bardains I

63 AG 95 AG

32 year reign.

  • 88 63

    Silver Jubilee of King Barains I
    Life, Milestone

The Reign of King Thanda II

106 AG 135 AG

29 year reign.

  • 131 AG

    Silver Jubilee of King Thanda II
    Life, Milestone

The Reign of King Krake

135 AG 188 AG

53 year reign.

  • 160 AG

    Silver Jubilee of King Krake
    Life, Milestone

  • 185 AG

    Golden Jubilee of King Krake
    Life, Milestone

The Reign of King Cheral II

223 AG 257 AG

34 year reign.

  • 248 223

    Silver Jubilee of King Cheral II
    Life, Milestone

The Reign of King Hyldetan

335 AG 364 AG

29 year reign.

  • 360 AG

    Silver Jubilee of King Hyldetan
    Life, Milestone

The Reign of King Garai III

401 AG 427 AG

26 year reign.

  • 426 AG

    Silver Jubilee of King Garai III
    Life, Milestone

The Reign of King Cynfyn III

449 AG 475 AG

26 year reign.

  • 474 AG

    Silver Jubilee of King Cynfyn III
    Life, Milestone

Reign of King Eudocia

617 AG 626 AG

9 year reign.

  • 618 AG

    Discovery of Gennon's Hill
    Discovery, Exploration

    In 617, documents discovered to have survived the sacking of Kairndern Castle indicated that the long named "Gennon's Hill" to the north west of the castle, were in fact the remnants of a man-made burial mound, possibly the tomb of Empress Gennon herself.

    Gennon's Hill

Reign of King Argyros

626 AG 643 AG

17 year reign.

  • 640 AG

    11 /7

    Birth of Aereth Fenvarys
    Life, Birth

    Genean 11, 640

The Reign of King Volterion

663 AG and beyond

The Reign of King Volterion who acceded the thone of after the unexpected death of the Olberangst the Heirless.

  • 664 AG

    26 /5

    Elkorra Bottlebender Born
    Life, Birth
  • 668 AG

    25 /4

    Birth of Belborin
    Life, Birth

    Asperil 25th, 668

  • 672 AG

    12 /9

    Aldryn Fayrencourte
    Life, Birth

    Spectresum 12, 672

  • 691 AG


    Story Start