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The Republic of Erafel, or simply Erafel, is the first citizen voted representative government on Aenia; as well as the first nation to have a citizenry of members from every species. It is located in the River West region of the south, it's territory including everything west of the Skole Mountains.


Ruling Structure

The nation is ruled and administered by the Erafel Grand Council who meet in the Grand Council Chambers of Unity Hall in Baciant.

The Grand Council is run by the High Consul of Erafel who has the power to accept or veto new proposed laws, the High Consul also acts as First Diplomat in foreign relations, and the High Commander of the military.   The Grand Council is made up of citizen voted Ministers who propose and debate on laws and edicts in the Grand Council Chambers of Unity Hall.

Grand Council Ensignia
High Council Ensignia
Council Minister Ensgnia
Social Structure

The population is leveled into the Citizens who have the rights to vote and own property and start and run businesses, and own weapons. They are an upper class of the general population that have dedicated part of their lives to serving the republic, generally through military service. Once made a citizen, and given a Citizenship Badge, that person has their priviledges for life, however they can be stripped away by a trial and vote from the Grand Council.

Erafel Citizenship Badge

The lowest of the societal classes are the Populace who are allowed to trade and live in Erafel, but do not have the voting and owning rights of a citizen. To become a citizen one must serve in the military or be granted citizenship by the Erafel Grand Council.


Erafel is the first and largest nation to host all sentient species in its population. So it's culture reflects this in a mixture of all the species behavioral tendancies. Because of it's mixture of humans and dwarves, Erafel is also the most violent culture in the south of the continent.


Early History

Erafel began as a small city-state called Baciant in the River West region in the Red Ash forest on the eastern shore of where the Green and Snake Spine rivers flow into the Deep Rush. Sherant practiced a representative type government known as a republic and was populated by a group of elves and dwarves that called themselves the Larfren peoples.   The city council of Baciant sent settlers out to found new villages in the region, and as the city of Baciant grew so did it's needs for out villages and farms to support it's population. It was discussed for years whether to develope a full nation or not, and as the new settled towns started to grow so did their desire to set up thier own independant City Councils. <DWARVEN FIRST HIGH CONSUL>, Council Chair of Baciant at the time, put the idea to a vote, and, despite knowing that it might start a war, passed the creation of Erafel into law in 745, giving rightful rule of all the territories of the Larfren peoples to the new Grand Council. Erafel became the first republic in the governmental community of Aenia.   Instead of ministers, the other cities sent armies.

Introduction of Humans

in 770 Erint Kaithal and Edgewin Wilkend put together a team for an expedition to track down the long lost race of humans that Kaithal predicted still resided on the continent somewhere to the north. In 798 they met humans in the Whispering Desert north of the elven lands of the Sea Lake Valley. This contact was rough at first but soon feel into a positive connection, where humans learned from the dwarves and elves.   After a time the humans decided to travel back north and spread their newfound knowledge, and the Great Meeting was winding to a close, but some humans decided to stay with the dwarves and elves, returning with them to their southern civilization.

Demography and Population

The largest percentage of the population are the elves with dwarves making up about a third of the total. And though they make up the smallest portion, humans are still well represented in the general population, making up about eighteen percent of the total, but that eighteen is well despersed throughout the civilization.


The Republic of Erafel controls all the lands in the River West region of Aenia, west of the Skole Mountains.

  • Baciant -- Capital of the Republic of Erafel.
  • Calicant -- City within the republic. Second largest city in the country and largest source of Elven Steel goods manufactured.
  • Exericx -- City within the republic. Major smithing city and main source of Dwarven Steel goods manufactured within the country.
  • Oileran -- City within the republic. Major shipping city in the north of the country, and main source of incoming Leviathanbone for manufactured goods.


The Erafel Military, or more commonly known as the Erafel Armies, are the best armed and armored army in all of Aenia. They may not always be the best trained, but they'er equipment and weaponry are of a higher quality than anyone elses.


Unlike most countries and governments Erafel is tollerant of all Aenia's religions; however, officially the state religion is Sentinelism, the pantheon religion of all the world's creation gods.

Trade & Transport

The Republic is seen as a heretical by most other civializations, but fostered a relationship and trades with the Kingdom of Cinder across the Sea of Teeth, and is the largest exporter of Dwarven Steel weapons and materials to the north, as well as the world's source for Larfren Leather goods.

Ruled by All

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Republic
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Economic System
Mixed economy
  • Erafel Marks
  • Aenian Crowns
Major Exports
Legislative Body
Executive Body
Official State Religion
Subsidiary Organizations
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Related Items
Notable Members
Related Species
Related Ethnicities

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