Central/South Central - Essillion Settlement in Aerith | World Anvil
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Central/South Central - Essillion

All the roads leading into and out of Essillion are tended and maintained by followers of Parfin, though not necessarily the same ones from day to day. Those followers of Parfin that find themselves in Essillion take it upon themselves to keep the roads and thoroughfares, even the less traveled ones clean, in repair, and easily accessible. Near the centre of the city is Horizon’s Bridge, and leading from it southward is Walkers’ Way, both in honour of Parfin the Farstepper. The temple to Parfin, located at the foot of Horizon’s Bridge is called Horizon’s Haven and it is maintained by Goldfinder Lindel Pennybright, a Halfling of great humour and patience. He is responsible for the maintenance but he has a team of wandering followers, visitors, and helpers that rotate throughout the year to keep the temple, and all shrines well cared for.   Along the main road through the city gates, located on both sides are the pop-up shops and traveling merchant stalls. They are required to set up north of Deathgate Road and Riverstone Road and on either side of the Essillion Trail. They do not set up further north than the Hollow Fountain Clocktower and the city guard and soldiers are very strict about their placement. They require a clear path to the front gates in case of attack and for safety. All manner of goods and services can be found along this road but they are not permanent and can sell out very quickly before moving on. Fights occasionally break out over prime spots but the Essillion guards quickly put an end to any disruptions.   North and west of Horizon bridge is The Mill. A watermill that has been around since the founding of the mines. It is used to separate and grind the ore from the mines into their useful and component parts before being shipped off. It is owned by a guild of merchants known simply as The Mill. They also have a sawmill and a grain mill outside of town. The three buildings that make up The Mill include the mill proper, the collection house, and the refinery. This guild has acquired much wealth and power in Essillion that they also run the Dragon’s Hoard Commercial Complex. They have recently been given a spot on the Royal Council since the demise of the Silverfist family.
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