Northeast - Essillion Settlement in Aerith | World Anvil
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Northeast - Essillion

Heading north along Riverstone Road will take you to the region of Tereale and the Healing House of Essillion, as well as Mother Light’s Child Nursery. There you will also find the temple to Tereale called the Gleaming Shrine, though it is much larger than its name would suggest. Highmother Ingrid Stormarm is the youngest Highmother appointed to the church of Tereale. She is a plain-looking woman with striking green eyes and has lived in Essillion all of her life. She is an excellent healer, leader, and compassionate woman, who is not afraid to get her hands dirty. She has a great team of helpers, including Katherine Fairfellow, her most revered nursemaid. The children’s nurseries are extremely well cared for and Ingrid and Katherine have received many visits from noble dignitaries, including the king and queen, for their work helping the city.   This area is also the home to the temple of Josefan named The Font of Love, presided over by Ladyheart Emeline Fairfax. This striking, dark haired woman dresses in robes of white and carries a staff of entwined white snakes. She works very hard to ensure that love blossoms in Essillion, but she sometimes comes to odds with the Order of the Lady’s Claw as their philosophy speaks more to hedonism than true love. She appreciates passion when it is directed in a more long-lasting and productive manner, not just for passion’s sake. She can often be found at the children’s nursery helping out and she is on very good terms with the church of Tereale.
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