The Mount Settlement in Aerith | World Anvil
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The Mount

Alucar’s Mount, or simply The Mount dominates the western wall and has three distinct levels, or tiers. The royal palace is the sole structure on the First Tier but other buildings make up the second and third tier before the main level of the city is reached.  

First Tier

(Pristell Region)
Palace of Kings - The royal palace of King Arndrin and his family stands out to all in the city. It can be seen by anywhere in the city and is a beacon of hope during times of stress or hardship. It holds the royal family but also has some extended family living there. Servants, courtiers, and the royal guard also take residence in the palace. An extensive crypt of past royals lies beneath the palace, as well as the royal treasury.  

Second Tier

(Curceon Region)
The Halls of Curceon on the south side of the second tier houses the famous order of Paladins under Curceon. The Exemplars’ Lodge, and the Hall of the Guardians take up most of the southern edge of the tier, while Knightheart Abbey, the temple to Curceon is located nearer the middle, beside the Squire Bridge and the shrine to Eriken, located in the centre of that bridge. Two Guardian posts flank the steps to the palace on either side of the river and they are never left unoccupied. The temple to Curceon is led by the city’s second in command, Byras Highstance.  
(Pristell Region)
On the north side of the second tier is the realm of Pristell and her noble houses. The Starshield, Stormarm, and Skyshard estates are the largest structures, but a few other lesser noble houses also call this area home. Just as Curceon’s temple, Maiden Queen’s Tower, the temple to Pristell is nearer the middle, beside the Squire Bridge and the temple to Eriken. It is led by First Lady Lena Stormshadow, as decreed by Queen Jalisha. Lena was a childhood friend to Jalisha and some claim nepotism in the selection, though the royal household denies that claim.   Symbolically, and physically, the Squire Bridge both bridges and separates the regions of Curceon (on the south) and Pristell (on the north). The temple to the son of Curceon and Pristell lies in the middle of the bridge and one must cross through it to reach the other side. It is currently presided over by Montaigne Skyshard, though traditionally it is headed by the first born of the royal household. Unfortunately, Prince Ryan has left Essillion in search of adventure and the task has fallen to his cousin Montaigne.  

Third Tier

The third (or lower) tier is made up of the bureaucratic, and educational needs of the city, as well as two Guardian posts flanking the river and the steps leading to the second tier.  
(Vocerix Region)
To the south is the region of Vocerix, containing the court houses, jails, various civic buildings, and foreign embassies. The temple of Vocerix also doubles as the Council Hall and is known as the Hall of the Royal Sphynx. The current High Cleric of Vocerix is an elderly man, nearing retirement whose name is Winterthorpe Skyshard. He is also the uncle to Queen Jalisha and very well respected. His second ranking priest is a middle-aged woman named Bessa Suntower and she is expected to take his place soon. She is well-liked by the populace but the council is unsure of her fortitude in matters of criminal justice.   One of the buildings on the third tier, near the Mount steps is a very popular marriage hall called The Mountain’s Peak Marriage Hall and it is run by an ex-priest of Josefan named Lady Firetress. Pristell and Josefan typically do not get along but Lady Firetress has made a name for herself on the Mount on the opposite side of the noble houses. While the marriage halls on the city levels are fine, the nobles of Essillion still want to have the pomp and circumstance due their birthright. The Mountain’s Peak provides that level of sophistication and fashion. A group of famous bards called the Mountain Peak Poets Society made their start at Lady Firetress’ establishment and they have made a good living traveling the lands and inspiring love all around them.  
(Pristell Region)
On the far north side of the third tier are some other lesser noble houses and the Royal Museum of Essillion. The Royal Museum is reserved for those who have donated to it, typically only the wealthy or noble families will attend it. Occasionally the University gets permission to have some field trips to the Royal Museum but the nobles require very strict supervision for those that are not of noble birth.  
(Gnurich Region)
The majority of the region of Gnurich is occupied by the huge library and temple to Gnurich called the Owl’s Rookery (or just the Rookery), the University of Essillion, and the Hatchery, as well as the two museums open to the general public (Museum of Fantastical Knowledge, and the Museum of Wondrous Artifacts).   The Owl’s Rookery is home to the temple of Gnurich and is looked over by the venerable Master Librarian Hoorik Inkheart. Hoorik is desperate to find a replacement as he is very old and tired. He wants to make the Owl’s Rookery the bastion of knowledge to rival the library in old Starhelm City. He has his eye on a very clever librarian name Lydia and is hoping she will take up the task of revitalizing the temple to Gnurich. Hoorik also founded a monastery in Hollow’s Point, though he rarely travels there.   The University of Essillion is old, but has taken on some greater importance after the Fractioning. It is currently under the leadership of Headmaster Lionas Quintlore and he is a very stodgy and uptight headmaster, though he has genuine love of knowledge and his students. The majority of the students at the University are from noble birth or have wealthy parents in the merchant or craft industry. Lionas is considered the favourite to replace Hoorik by everyone except Hoorik. Politics being what they are has prevented Hoorik from naming his successor just yet.   The New College of Theory, or as it is more colloquially known, The Hatchery, is an expanded school that is open to those of lesser means. It is a school of the future and does not spend as much time looking at the past, as its parent school does. Its headmaster is Jonas Bristlebrow and he is very fond of bringing in traveling minstrels, scholars, or teachers from all over to speak to his students. He is loved by his students and his staff but there are many who think that he is another headmaster in a long line of headmasters who are breaking away from tradition.   Situated on the edge of the third tier, also sharing it with the city level, is the famous Essillion’s Edge, or just known as The Edge by the locals. There are two entrances to the Edge, one on the third tier, where the rich or the learned go, and the one on the city level where the common folk would enter. The third-tier entrance leads to a main floor and requires a cover charge of 1 Kingsmetal. The entrance is reinforced wood and metal and support beams secure it to the rocky floor and walls of The Mount. Once inside, the taproom is well decorated, good food is served, and a wide variety of fine drink can be bought. Minstrels, organized gambling, and a spot for dancing makes it a place suitable for a wide variety of tastes. An iron golem named Fancy guards the stairway up to the Eagles’ Nest and will not let anyone pass who does not insert a platinum piece into a slot in his outstretched hand. The Eagles’ Nest is decorated in the highest of fashion, scented and lit magically to provide nice ambience. The furniture is the utmost in comfort and the food is fit for noble palettes.
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