Northwest/Southwest - Essillion Settlement in Aerith | World Anvil
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Northwest/Southwest - Essillion

The far north and far south west sections of the city house the entrances to the many mines that secure Essillion’s wealth. The miners and peasants, as well as some craftsmen that work the mines also live in the housing located near those entrances. The city guard are very stringent in letting only those that are authorized to enter do so. The mines themselves are also patrolled often by city guards and priests of Kleio. Only those that have business in the mines tend to go there and the guards are quick to redirect those just wandering to more appropriate locales within the city. Both sides have a temple to Kleio, the southern temple, named The Anvil, focuses on forging, blacksmithing, and items of quality, while the north temple, named The Arches, focuses on structures, architecture, and practicality. In times past these two temples were closely aligned but in recent years there has been a bit of a schism between the two as the north end has been influenced by their association with the nobles of the city. They have taken an attitude of superiority over their southern brothers. The north temple is run by Master Architect Blasset Skydigger and he epitomizes the smug and arrogant nature of Kleio. The southern temple is run by Forgemaster Silloren Oreshine, a Goliath who does his best to ignore Blasset’s taunts and jibes. He focuses on making his clergy the best smiths, forgers, and miners in the region.   While the priests of Kleio oversee and control the workings of the mines, the three major noble families have the legitimate and historical rights to the mines of Essillion. From each mine is an underground tunnel that leads through the Mount to the base just east of the Wyrmclaw Bridge. The ore is gathered and shipped off to there to be taken to the Mill, separated and ground, and then finally collected.
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