Southeast - Essillion Settlement in Aerith | World Anvil
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Southeast - Essillion

Following Deathgate Road southward, just as you enter the city will take you to the cemetery of Essillion and the surrounding area. The temple of Morthos called the Mourning Hall, is situated just outside the cemetery and is run by Soulguide Barthos Mistbearer. He is a strong and hefty man of middle years, and his dour face hides a wicked sense of humour. He can be a frightening presence when he is angered but, thankfully he is a very patient man and does not anger easily. He is surprisingly empathetic and comforting to those that can look past his outward appearance.   In the front of the cemetery is an asylum to treat the addled or insane, nicknamed Gloomy Gables; nobody can remember its real name anymore. It is headed up by a Tallfellow Halfling named Quail ‘Rattleeyes’ Finney, who looks like he might have been a patient at one time. He can go from creepy to comforting and back again in the blink of an eye.   The hospice for the elderly, sick, or dying called Mercy Hall is run by an elderly woman named Grace Godfrey. She is frail of body but strong in spirit and mind. Soulguide Barthos is very protective of her and those that cross her risk his anger. There are very few that take that chance. Rumours abound that Grace Godfrey was once a high priest to Morthos in the Halls of the Cleansed Souls many years past but that something transpired there that forced her to leave.
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