West Central - Essillion Settlement in Aerith | World Anvil
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West Central - Essillion

Situated just south of the river is a large covered marketplace that is the main area for commerce in Essillion. In the heart of the Greegis region, just south of the Hollow Fountain Clocktower is the five-sided building named the Dragon’s Hoard Commercial Complex that houses the permanent shops, stalls, and commercial interests. Five buildings surround each corner and are the offices of the individual ministers of trade. Each corner represents a different type of business but there are some crossovers. Culture (art, music, costumes, books Armaments (weapons, armour Sundries (trinkets, toys, crafts, unique items Food (cooking utensils, meals Tools (crafter’s tools, supplies)   Some individual shops dot the area north and south of the Hoard and get a lot of run off business or customers from those that don’t want to brave the craziness of the merchant house. Purveyors of all kinds of products, including services, entertainment, and money trade and lending exist in this area. The Dragon’s Hoard is currently run by the merchant guild The Mill and has increased their power base dramatically.   The temple to Greegis is called The Golden Palm and it is located just north of the Hoard. It also doubles as the currency exchange and is run by the Fair Friar, a fat, balding man of indeterminate age. He represents the mercantile nature of Greegis and the public face of the temple and clergy within Essillion. For those in the know, he also acts as a fence, an appraiser, and a consigliere to the Union of Shadows.   Just north of the river a few schools for the common folk are situated on the city level near The Mount in Gnurich’s region. A scribe shop and seller of books called Tink’s Inks is also open for those who want to get something written, purchase a book, or learn to do calligraphy, mapmaking, etc. It is run by an old Gnome named Tinkerbury Hollowhand who is always happy to get visitors and is willing to help anyone who can pay. He is called in to the schools to teach writing to the children also.   The main entrance to the Edge can be found on the outskirts of Gnurich’s city level region. To the uninitiated, from this angle the Edge looks like it is about to fall at any moment. It appears to teeter on the edge of destruction every night. The reality is that it is as strong as it has ever been thanks to some magical bolstering from a grateful wizard. The sounds of laughter, song, fighting, swearing, and general carousing always spills out into the street as the door to the Edge is constantly opening with comers and goers. Standing proudly near the entrance is the second Iron Golem named Foot, ready to deal with anyone who gets out of hand. He wields a Rocksteel maul called Diplomacy to help deter would be attackers, gifted to the Edge by Gauldrak Harmbringer, a deceased hero of Essillion. The innkeeper is a retired adventurer named Quintin Stronghair, who welcomes all with a warm smile and mug of Edge Ale (a sweet lime malt brewed only here-not available for export). A staircase to the second floor is guarded by a third Iron Golem named Fist who requires a single coin of Kingsmetal inserted into a slot in his outstretched hand in order to ascend.
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