Hobgoblin Species in Aerith | World Anvil
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The second evolutionary stage of Goblinkind, Goblinkind traits will mature as they do, and the differences in the stages can make them seem almost like separate races. Where Goblins tend to be mean, selfish, and petulant, easily distracted with shiny things, Hobgoblins have matured enough to take on a bigger picture. They develop more discipline, they follow rank more, and they are fierce warriors. They will frequently bully their younger cousins, or use them as fodder for their military campaigns but they don’t throw them away needlessly. They will utilize their surroundings, both in war and ‘peace’ effectively. As with their Goblin counterparts, they will always look for ways to take advantage of a situation. That is how they survived to be Hobgoblins, and then eventually Bugbears.   As a Hobgoblin is a Goblin that has reached its full maturity, there is never an opportunity for a Hobgoblin to breed. That is to say, no Hobgoblin children are born; they are simply Goblins that have grown and evolved. The female Hobgoblin has gone beyond their breeding years and will tend to either take the lead in teaching female Goblins their place, or they will join the ranks of the males in the military.   When reaching the Hobgoblin stage, they often become belligerent toward the lower ranks of regular Goblins and begin to separate themselves from their former comrades. They form friendships with likewise Hobgoblins and daily military rituals and procedures become their sole existence. A troop of Hobgoblins trains together, lives together, and fights together. They are usually ruled by a senior Hobgoblin sergeant or a Bugbear captain, and a great honour is bestowed on the ones chosen to be their leader’s personal guard. Usually four to six are chosen for this hotly contested title.   During their long battles with the Orcs of the Witch Queen, Hobgoblin soldiers learned to adapt quickly to the enemies they were fighting. Utilizing the tactics and methods of their foes, some Hobgoblins took on physical and mental characteristics of those they were fighting. Two related but distinct factions of Hobgoblins came out of those battles - the Savage Hobgoblin and the Aggressive Hobgoblin.   Hobgoblins are strategic warriors. They are more skilled and daring in both combat and outside of combat. In order for a Goblin to reach the Hobgoblin stage they must live beyond their fifteenth year. This lengthy time as a soldier usually hardens them and even one Hobgoblin is cause for serious caution on the part of experienced Human and demi-Human soldiers.   They favour formative plans drawn out well in advance. They often have little or no concern for Turglics (their men) and consider them expendable assets.   Occasionally, large groups of Hobgoblins will actually form into units controlled by a Bugbear or Ogre. These elite units of fifty or more are shock troops, capable of wiping out small villages or groups of armed men. Usually a single Hobgoblin controls a dozen to five dozen men depending on his skill.

Basic Information

Growth Rate & Stages

The second evolutionary stage of Goblind, Hobgoblins evolve from a Goblin around the age of 15 and typically evolve into a Bugbear around the age of 30

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Their eyes get a bit more colour but they retain their good vision in both environments. Their nose becomes a bit more bulbous and can sometimes become blue or red.  Their hair is usually straggly and unshaven, most typically black, brown, or grey in colour. Hair on their bodies become more coarse and prevalent

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Average Intelligence

Hobgoblins have learned how to survive long enough to evolve. Their intelligence increases slightly but they still only possess average intelligence

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Goblinkin speak, read and write Goblin and Common. Their speech can be high-pitched, gravelly, guttural, or sniveling, but it is never gentle or soft

Culture and Cultural Heritage


Racial Features

Ability Score Increase:  Your Constitution score increases by 2.  Your Intelligence score increases by 1
  Speed:  Your base walking speed is 30 feet
  Darkvision:  You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray
  Martial Training:  You are proficient with two martial weapons of your choice and with light armor
  Saving Face:  Hobgoblins are careful not to show weakness in front of their allies, for fear of losing status. If you miss with an attack roll or fail an ability check or a saving throw, you can gain a bonus to the roll equal to the number of allies you can see within 30 feet of you (maximum bonus of +5). Once you use this trait, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Hobgoblins typically evolve around the age of 30 years
Average Height
Hobgoblins grow in height to be about the same size as an average Human
Average Weight
Hobgoblins tend to be a bit heavier than the average Human weighing about 200 lbs or more
Average Physique
They tend to be bulkier than a human, their hands and feet are a bit bigger than a Human of equivalent size.  Hobgoblin size is medium

Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Hobgoblin skin takes on more of a tanned colour, but with hints of orange, or sometimes red


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