Ogre Species in Aerith | World Anvil
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Ogres and Ogre Mages grow even taller than Bugbears, reaching up to 9’ tall or taller in some circumstances. They are intimidating creatures that can separate brawn from brains.   Ogres, and their rare magic-wielding brethren Ogre Mages*, have reached a near-pinnacle of evolution for their race. Their size having increased so much allows them to rule over larger groups of Goblins without much fear of losing their position. They have lived long enough to see the world as a larger picture and they look to see their race successfully navigate themselves through it. They treat their lesser cousins as a king does his subjects. They do not engage with the rank and file very often and they feel they are above petty concerns.   A Bugbear who has finally achieved his own personal power and managed to keep himself alive for long enough will evolve into an Ogre. Finally maturing beyond the narrow focus of the individual, the few Ogres in existence are concerned with the Goblin race as a whole. It is for this reason they do not compete with one another for power. Where Bugbears never interacted with each other, Ogres, being so few, recognize the strength in unity. They form bonds with other Ogres to help strengthen the Goblin race and meet a few times a year in an Ogremoot.   While they do meet and help each other in times of need, each Ogre is responsible for a section of Starhelm and bringing the Goblin agenda to bear on the area and races surrounding it. There are currently four known Ogre Warmasters, and they are treated like kings by their charges. There are be more Ogres in existence but these four have made the biggest name for themselves.  Each Warmaster has also mastered a unique mount as his own.  If their mount dies they must spend a month finding, attuning, and training a new mount.  It is rare for a Warmaster to change their mount type but it has been known to happen in the past.     Ogre Warmasters Navandark (Warmaster of the North Steppes): An Ogre Mage known for his Cold spells. He has troubled the Barbarians of the Steppes of Centos, the Dwarves of Denethen’s Helm, and even the Elves of Aspenshield Forest.
  Basselwip (Warmaster of the East): A Ruthless general bent on levelling the City of Essillion, and wiping Humans off the eastern front. He is determined on acquiring the rich metal mines around Essillion. He is looking to root out all the Dwarves in the Barrier Guard to allow the tunnels to continue all the way to the east shore.
  Melchinoopo (Warmaster of the Warrens): The newest and least successful Ogre commander, Melchinoopo tries to reclaim the wasteland that was once his tribe’s desert home, but his battles with the Undead do not fare well. He is eager for some big wins against the Undead.  Melchinoopo's unique mount is a lesser Purple Worm he has tamed.  He has a great fondness for his steed and treats him rather well.  His ability to travel through the Undersands at great speed has given Melchinoopo a big advantage against his adversaries, both abroad and closer to home.   Sargutt (Warmaster of the West): One of the oldest Ogre commanders (almost two hundred years old) has become less interested in battle. He was instrumental in retaking Brightwave the last time but his defeat against the combined forces of Avandar and Bogbrook lost him control of the harbour fortress. He has grown tired of the constant fighting and maintains his presence in the west, but does not push forth any active agendas at this time.

Basic Information

Growth Rate & Stages

The final stage of the Goblinkind evolution, the Ogre evolves around 50 and will maintain its evolution until death

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Their eyes are larger and more bulbous and they can see very well in both day and night.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Average Intelligence

Ogres are very savvy and experienced with social and military endeavours.  They are more forward-thinking than their earlier evolutions. 

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Ogres speak, read and write Goblin and Common. Their speech is always, guttural, and deep, and often menacing

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Worship: Golzect

Racial Features

Ability score increase:  You gain a +2 bonus to Strength and Constitution scores
  Speed:  Your base walking speed is 40 feet
  Darkvision:  You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray
  Tremor Sense:  You gain a tremor sense to a range of 20ft
  Brute Strength:  When you hit with a non-finesse melee or thrown weapon the weapon damage dice are doubled
  Tough:  Your hit point maximum increases by an amount equal to your level when you gain this feat. Whenever you gain a level thereafter, your hit point maximum increases by an additional hit points
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Ogres typically evolve at 200 years and can live to be as old as 650 years (though catastrophe or battle claims them before old age does)
Average Height
9-10 feet tall
Average Weight
Up to 1000 lbs
Average Physique
Everything about an Ogre speaks of largeness

Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their hair has almost completely fallen out, leaving them with bald heads and a tendency towards having short coarse hair over their bodies.


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