The Hollow - Shalehaven Settlement in Aerith | World Anvil
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The Hollow - Shalehaven

The entrance to Underside is guarded by the large iron door at the back of Topside, along with some devoted and vigilant Dwarven Defenders. Once through those doors however, the walkway to Underside leads you down a large staircase, bracketed with a ramp on either side. That bottom of the staircase/ramp opens up to the first level of Underside, called The Hollow, and it is where most Dwarvish life can be seen. While there are some locations that are connected to both the topside and the Hollow, like the Dwarphanage, and the Stone King, most other places exist solely on the Underside. Some other places of note to be found in The Hollow include the temple of Denethen named the Obsidian Anvil, the Hollow Arcade, and the Cultural District, which holds the schools, museums, and entertainment.   The Hollow is where most of the citizens live, excepting those that work in the Mines. Dwarvish homes are extremely well-made, but they vary in size, depending on how old the family is or how wealthy. Some homes contain multiple generations of Dwarves, while larger or older families might take up multiple homes (though usually connected). There are taverns aplenty in The Hollow, each one trying to outdo the others with innovative ales, food, or entertainment. Traveling bards love The Hollow because they can always find work there. The inns of Shalehaven are typically found Topside but The Hollow still boasts a few good ones.   Shalehaven has a large selection of shrines to various deities, owing to their open and welcoming nature, and the number of visitors they receive. Standing out strongly from those shrines is the Obsidian Anvil, the major temple to Denethen. It was built by dedicated and talented Dwarven craftsmen, and it appears to have erupted straight from the ground, with spires that reach to the sky, and solid blocks that hold it firmly in the ground. Engraved high above the lintel of the entrance is a large deep black anvil with sparks flashing intermittently (powered by Dwarven magic). Taklin Durthain is the no-nonsense head priest of Denethen, and takes his role very seriously. He has no disrespect or ill-will towards the other temples and shrines to Denethen, but he knows that the Obsidian Anvil is the most revered and authentic temple in Shalehaven, Topside or Underside. He tries to be engaging as best he can, but his strength is in his devotion to Denethen, and the vast amount of knowledge he has on the worship and practices for the Dwarven Pinnacle.
Underground / Vault
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