The Pits Settlement in Aerith | World Anvil
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The Pits

The Pits is a much smaller but, very important part of Shalehaven, and is the layer just below The Hollow. It used to be the layer where all the ore was collected, sorted, and distributed, but it was long ago transformed into what it is today. All the wrestling, training, and matches for the Open Brawl occur on this level. The Platinum Pits is very well maintained, staffed, and brings in a lot of revenue for Shalehaven. It is also considered the alternative cultural offering of the city, and has a rich history of its own. The current champion of the wrestling competition is Gemma Bronzebeard, and she has amassed a large following of fans and supporters. She has also began training up and comers to the sport, her most famous being the daughter of the king. Her skills are sought after, and she has the luxury to pick and choose who she wants to work with. The Platinum Pits are owned by the city, but some shops and stalls situated throughout are individually owned. Taverns, ale stands, and cheap food offerings are very popular, and there are some sit down, and higher-end restaurants that also do quite well for themselves.
Underground / Vault
Location under


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