The Mines Settlement in Aerith | World Anvil
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The Mines

Under the Pits is the level known simply as The Mines. This is where the Dwarves of Shalehaven mine, everything from gold, silver, platinum, adamantine, and gems, to mithril, and even moonstone. The mines reach far below the Throne layer below them, snaking in and around to wend deep into the mountain. A large portion of Shalehaven citizens work the mines and they are regarded highly, and well taken care of.   The temple to Denethen in the Mines is simply called The Vein, and is the site of the largest mithril vein discovered in Shalehaven. What was seen as an obvious sign from Denethen, a temple was immediately erected on this spot. It is popular with the miners, and sees a lot of traffic, even from some in The Hollow, who want to experience the blessings of Denethen’s wealth. Denethen visited all the temples in Shalehaven from time to time, but it is said the biggest smile on his face was when he viewed the mithril shining from the walls. A large fresco of Denethen smiling at the mithril is depicted front and centre behind the altar. Urshar Goldfinder is the head priest here and she is a favourite amongst the miners, in particular. She is proud to be part of the lifeblood of Dwarven wealth and prosperity, and makes sure to thank everyone personally who attends her sermons. It is said she knows the name of every miner, but that must be hyperbole, as there are thousands of miners in Shalehaven.
Underground / Vault
Location under


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