Shalehaven Settlement in Aerith | World Anvil
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City of Dwarvish Charm
Earth Dwarf Capital

Shalehaven is the Earth Dwarf capital and Forgehome’s connection to the rest of the world. It was founded in the year 2410 HE (just over 4,000 years ago) as a part of a pet project of King Dorinthor II, after hearing tales of his grandfather who walked out of the Womb of Humanity with the first Dwarves. His grandfather lamented at how the Dwarves grew complacent in their mountain homes, and yearned for a return to the life of exploration and discovery. Dorinthor II made it his life’s work to send Dwarves out to explore as much of Haven as possible, settling wherever the mountains touched the ground. of Forgehome was tasked with finding a suitable location to lead the Dwarven settlers, maintaining their Dwarven heritage and lifestyle, and serving as a hub for future trade and relations with the rest of the world. Shalehaven was ruled by The Triune, as the representative of the King and Forgehome. An ambassador was selected to ensure constant communication and contact was maintained between Forgehome and its outpost city. 1600 years after the forming of Shalehaven, disaster struck the royal family of Forgehome, and King Dorinthor IV died suddenly and without an heir. The Triune was forced to return to Forgehome to maintain order and ensure the city continued to thrive. They gifted Shalehaven with their independence, leaving them with the task of selecting their new leader.   Early in Shalehaven’s founding, a new sport made its way to the city, brought by visitors and traders from all across Haven. Intrigued by all the different fighting styles of the many people that they encountered, the Dwarves of Shalehaven became enamoured with showcasing them all. That was when the founding of the Platinum Pits Fighting Arena and the sport of Open Brawling began. A fighting arena was created, and contests of strength and skill flourished. These contests were open to anyone willing to chance some gold or the promise of pain. The matches became very popular both to the Dwarves, and any visitors to Shalehaven. Many made long trips to try their hand at open brawling, or to show off their own style.   After The Triune left and Shalehaven needed to pick a new leader, they turned to their favourite pastime and began a tournament called the King’s Tournament, in order to select their new leader. This was a Dwarvish wrestling tournament open to all Dwarves, who wanted to vie for The Throne of Shalehaven, as it was decided that the winner of the tournament would become the new king. After much fighting, a winner was finally declared, and Grimthor Heartfire the First was crowned king of Shalehaven in the year 3754. Since then every year the city hosts the King’s Tournament. While the winner doesn’t become king, the prize they receive for victory is to wrestle the King himself. If they manage to defeat the King they can ask him for one favour (within reason).  


The Climate of Shalehaven is unique, as half of the city is located within the mountain and the other half sits on the surface. Most housing and essentials are almost never affected by the Climate and weather, while the rest of the city has typical Havenguard Climate; cold winds, autumn snow fall, and the occasional rock-slide. The city, being Dwarvish-made is sturdy enough to withstand any natural disasters.  


Shalehaven is ruled by a monarchy, led by the Heartfire Clan since their independence was granted to them in the year 3754. The current leader is King Bodrick Heartfire IV, a large Dwarf standing well over five feet tall. He sports a large beard that is tri-braided, the ends of each sporting a different gem. The scar across his forehead serves as a reminder of his youth, and that Owlbear cubs are not to be played with lightly. Owlbear mothers are very protective and he was lucky he escaped with just a scar. King Bodrick is an avid Owlbear Hunter and has many trophies of his kills displayed prominently throughout his home.   King Bodrick is a kind and just king, with a love for his city and all within it. He has a particular fondness for the Platinum Pits. Shalehaven tradition ensures the king is trained in Dwarven wrestling, and King Bodrick is proud to be known as the third best wrestler in the city. His wife Brenak has bested him many times, but none are as skilled as the current champion of the Platinum Pits, Gemma Bronzebeard.   Bodrick feels strongly that the laws are in place to ensure that the majority of the people stay safe and that the city prospers, but he is well aware that laws do not protect everyone. When issues arise that cannot be fairly adjudicated by the existing laws, King Bodrick personally oversees how the law or judgements could adjust this new circumstance. Many guilty parties have tried to use this sentiment against the king, by faking ignorance or frailty to gain sympathy, but this never works. Ignorance of the law is not an excuse, unless coupled with a reasonable explanation for why the law was not known. Bodrick rules Shalehaven alongside his wife Brenak, and their three children; the oldest being Bodrick V, the second being Hendra, their daughter, and the youngest being Torvik, their son.   Each of the children have taken to a different aspect of the city and are all thriving. Bodrick V is focusing on his leadership skills, knowing he will be called on to rule the Earth Dwarves of Shalehaven in the future. He is currently travelling Starhelm with his good friend, and fellow prince, Ryan Starshield of Essillion. The two adventurers are preparing themselves as leaders by exploring the rest of the continent (at least as much as they can) to know what it is they are protecting. Hendra has become a formidable warrior and wrestler, being trained by both her parents as well as Gemma Bronzebeard. It is expected that when she gets enough experience, she will be the greatest Dwarvish wrestler Starhelm has ever seen. Finally, Torvik has taken up a mercantile and trade interest. He has recently started working with Cyrus Coldain, and learning about his dealings with Forgehome. It is Torvik’s wish that when his brother becomes King that he will grant Torvik the ambassadorship to Forgehome.   The ambassador to Forgehome wields great power and has great significance for the people of Shalehaven. The first ambassador selected was Ambrose Coldain, in the year 2411, and he brought great honour to his family with his innovative and forward-thinking ideas. While there has not always been a Coldain serving as ambassador, their family has the honour of being the most frequently selected to take that post. Even though it has been over 2,000 years since Shalehaven gained independence, their connection to Forgehome is still very strong. The ambassador with Forgehome has access to both the Shalehaven King’s ear as well as the ear of The Triune. The current ambassador is an elderly Dwarf named Cyrus Coldain, with his snow-white hair providing a stark contrast to his dark skin. What stands out the most on Cyrus, however, is his missing eye and the golden eye patch that he wears. Rumours abound about how he lost his eye, but the truth is hidden from all but a select few. The most popular theory is that it was taken from him during a battle with some Duergar in his younger days as a soldier. While in the military, his unit was captured, and only Cyrus escaped. He never speaks about that event and nobody knows what truly transpired.   Aside from the ambassador with Forgehome, King Bodrick has a handful of handpicked advisors that he uses to consult on a number of matter. His oldest and most trusted advisor is Gallen Stormmaul, a true friend to Bodrick for hundreds of years now. Other than the queen, Gallen is the only person who doesn’t use the title of king when speaking with Bodrick. Gallen does whatever the king asks for him, not because it is his duty as an advisor, but because he is merely helping a friend. Bodrick trusts Gallen, with his honest and blunt manner, to keep the king in check, making sure that Bodrick does not do something foolish. So far it is working quite well.  


Shalehaven is one of the most visited cities on Starhelm, being both the largest Earth Dwarf city, and the best way to gain access to Forgehome. Many people travel all across Starhelm to get to Shalehaven, giving the city a more diverse and inclusive attitude toward non-Dwarves. Even other Earth Dwarf cities don’t share the same level of acceptance and inclusion that Shalehaven boasts. It is this attitude that makes it easier for the citizens of Shalehaven to quickly adapt to the outside world and know the best way to deal with other races. This serves to make the city a lot friendlier and open. Shalehaven citizens are often found boasting and showing off to travelers to emphasize the Dwarven character and talents. It is not uncommon to see sculptures lining the city streets, or art projects highlighting Dwarvish accomplishments.   Tradition is a big part of Shalehaven society, and most citizens have a strict sense of rules and the laws, which permeate the psyche of even non-Dwarves who dwell there. Religion and worship are very important to most citizens of Shalehaven and shrines to Denethen can be found in most houses and lining the streets.   Shalehaven citizens prefer function over fashion, as most people wear simple clothing that aids them in whatever field they work; blacksmiths wear blacks and greys to hide the ash; merchants prefer to have many pockets lining their wardrobe to be able to quickly trade coin, cooks wear aprons, etc. The one thing that can be found on almost everyone, however, is a well-groomed beard. Even non-Dwarves quickly grow out their beards if they can, out of fear of being ridiculed.   Most people that work in the city are either miners, blacksmiths, merchants, or goat herders. Farming and agriculture still happen within the city, but it doesn't have the same importance that it has in Human or Halfling settlements. Most grain that is bought or farmed goes to making the blood of all Dwarvish settlements - ale. Ale is what runs through the city, giving it life. Once a month, citizens of Shalehaven celebrate the coming month, hoping that it will be good for the city, good of the people, and good for The Mines. On that day they pray and then they drink. Simple Dwarven tradition. It isn’t a big festival or celebration, but it is so important to the people of Shalehaven that even when they are not in the city they will still celebrate it.  

Crime and Law

Like most Dwarven cities, Shalehaven has a strong bond to laws and rules, and all within the city are well aware. City guards can be found posted at steady intervals, or seen patrolling often throughout the city, guarding the walls to enter The Topside and Underside. Every now and again, a member of Denethen’s Anvil can be seen, ensuring order is maintained. Denethen’s Anvil are a group of specially-trained priests of Denethen that have been afforded by the city, the power of judge, jury, and executioner. Gaining membership into that august organization takes nearly a century of training and service in ether the church or the city guard (or sometimes both). They are regarded as some of the best judges of character, which allows them to keep the city safe. Even with the guards and priests maintaining law and order Shalehaven still experiences crime and larceny. Its open border policy makes it easy for the Union of Shadows to slip through the cracks and so some business. While the Union may not have the tightest grip on the city, keeping themselves hidden as much as possible, they still manage to engage in some small crimes, and misdemeanors. The real criminal element of Shalehaven is found in an old Dwarvish family that runs a majority of the crime that goes through the city. The Firearm family is behind crimes that range from selling drugs that keep miners awake longer, to rigging wrestling matches, and some other minor infractions as they come up.  

Post Fractioning

The Fractioning did not affect Shalehaven too harshly. Structurally, they were protected by the Barrier Guard, and since they did not do too much trading or had a lot of contact with those west of the mountain chain, it had little effect on their economy or diplomatic relations. They did mourn along with the rest of the world when it happened, and they supported their good friends and trading partners in Essillion. To the people of Shalehaven it felt like a large earthquake, but nothing more.  


The Earth Dwarves of Shalehaven have little need for a large military, employing mostly guards and defenders to protect their home. However, they do have a small standing force that travels the exterior of Shalehaven around the mountainside, and the entrance from the Vale. Most Dwarves in Shalehaven have served in the army in their youth, if they do not make a career out of it, and they can be called in at a moment’s notice to muster arms. The days are gone when Dwarves conquer lands or expand beyond their mountains, so the need to have far-ranging forces is very small. They can lend forces to their neighbours, most typically Essillion, or Meadowspring, or they may send out small forces to deal with rampaging Gnolls, barbarians, or monsters that threaten travelers.   The Dwarven protections include many traps and pitfalls, sturdy architecture, extremely defensible positions, and the use of holy magic. They are very well prepared for long sieges, and have many routes of escape if things go badly. There has not been a major attack on Shalehaven that was not easily thwarted, and it is rare for anyone to march against the Dwarves there. Small forces of Goblins sometimes try to make their way that far, but Shalehaven is not threatened by their numbers. The guards and Dwarven defenders are some of the most noble and honourable warriors that Dwarves employ. They are fitted with the finest equipment, afforded great respect, and are relentless in their defense of their home and their kin.  


Shalehaven is situated in the Havenguard Chain of The Barrier Guard of Denethen. Unlike most Dwarven cities, Shalehaven has a very large and active portion of the city that can be found outside of the mountain proper, referred to as Topside. This is the part of Shalehaven that most outsiders and visitors know. Most non-Dwarves do not go deeper than Topside. Built further into the mountain is the bulk of Shalehaven, named Underside.   Topside is where the majority of the visitors to Shalehaven stay. It houses all the inns, shrines to the other Pinnacles, and where the pop-up markets are. Most non-dwarf citizens live and work in Topside as well. It is also where the famous Shalehaven Dwarphanage is. The majority of people that travel to Shalehaven see no real need to visit Underside unless they are there to see a match at the Platinum Pit.   Underside is the true heart of the city, and it is broken up into multiple levels, similar to most Dwarvish cities. The entrance to underside is called The Hollow, under The Hollow are The Pits, followed by The Mines, and finally The Throne.  
Topside is the face of Shalehaven and to a certain extent the face of the Dwarvish race on Starhelm. Topside doesn’t have a lot of the properties that you would see in a typical Dwarven city, except for how well-built and crafted the buildings and structures are. Some of the people that live in Topside never enter the rest of the city within the mountain. Topside is surrounded by a large iron wall that extends upward 30 feet.   Within these walls can be found a collection of important buildings and sites, including the Dwarphanage, the Stone King, The Topside Strip, the Hearty Goat, the Brewers Branch, The Topside Seats, as well as temples and shrines for some of the other gods. At the back of the city, built into the mountain is a large, 30-foot, tall iron door, that separates Topside from Undercity. This massive door is usually kept open so movement between Topside and Underside can be maintained if need be. It can be closed quickly, utilizing ingenious pulleys and weights, and has never been breached.   The people of Topside range from simple travelers, to merchants, to those who have come to Shalehaven for a better future. While most non-Dwarves live here, there are still a number of Dwarves who feel they need the connection to the outside to feel comfortable. They typically live Topside to cater to the needs of non-Dwarves, or there is some deeper reason for their avoidance of Underside.   Delver’s Den is the main temple to Denethen on Topside, and it is open to all who wish to give thanks or pray. It is accessible easily from the entrance and it is one of the warmest and most inviting temples to Denethen on all of Starhelm. It is run by Valida Deepdelver, who took over from her mother, and her mother before her. Valida emphasizes the hearth and family as important aspects of Denethen’s blessing, calling all of Shalehaven her family (visitors and citizens alike). Some of the more stringent and older Dwarves pay her no mind, thinking that she is catering to the masses, but she brings a lot of people into her temple daily.  
The Hollow
The entrance to Underside is guarded by the large iron door at the back of Topside, along with some devoted and vigilant Dwarven Defenders. Once through those doors however, the walkway to Underside leads you down a large staircase, bracketed with a ramp on either side. That bottom of the staircase/ramp opens up to the first level of Underside, called The Hollow, and it is where most Dwarvish life can be seen. While there are some locations that are connected to both The Topside and the Hollow, like the Dwarphanage, and the Stone King, most other places exist solely on the Underside. Some other places of note to be found in The Hollow include the temple of Denethen named the Obsidian Anvil, the Hollow Arcade, and the Cultural District, which holds the schools, museums, and entertainment.   The Hollow is where most of the citizens live, excepting those that work in The Mines. Dwarvish homes are extremely well-made, but they vary in size, depending on how old the family is or how wealthy. Some homes contain multiple generations of Dwarves, while larger or older families might take up multiple homes (though usually connected). There are taverns aplenty in The Hollow, each one trying to outdo the others with innovative ales, food, or entertainment. Traveling bards love The Hollow because they can always find work there. The inns of Shalehaven are typically found Topside but The Hollow still boasts a few good ones.   Shalehaven has a large selection of shrines to various deities, owing to their open and welcoming nature, and the number of visitors they receive. Standing out strongly from those shrines is the Obsidian Anvil, the major temple to Denethen. It was built by dedicated and talented Dwarven craftsmen, and it appears to have erupted straight from the ground, with spires that reach to the sky, and solid blocks that hold it firmly in the ground. Engraved high above the lintel of the entrance is a large deep black anvil with sparks flashing intermittently (powered by Dwarven magic). Taklin Durthain is the no-nonsense head priest of Denethen, and takes his role very seriously. He has no disrespect or ill-will towards the other temples and shrines to Denethen, but he knows that the Obsidian Anvil is the most revered and authentic temple in Shalehaven, Topside or Underside. He tries to be engaging as best he can, but his strength is in his devotion to Denethen, and the vast amount of knowledge he has on the worship and practices for the Dwarven Pinnacle.  
The Pits
The Pits is a much smaller but, very important part of Shalehaven, and is the layer just below The Hollow. It used to be the layer where all the ore was collected, sorted, and distributed, but it was long ago transformed into what it is today. All the wrestling, training, and matches for the Open Brawl occur on this level. The Platinum Pits is very well maintained, staffed, and brings in a lot of revenue for Shalehaven. It is also considered the alternative cultural offering of the city, and has a rich history of its own. The current champion of the wrestling competition is Gemma Bronzebeard, and she has amassed a large following of fans and supporters. She has also began training up and comers to the sport, her most famous being the daughter of the king. Her skills are sought after, and she has the luxury to pick and choose who she wants to work with. The Platinum Pits are owned by the city, but some shops and stalls situated throughout are individually owned. Taverns, ale stands, and cheap food offerings are very popular, and there are some sit down, and higher-end restaurants that also do quite well for themselves.  
The Mines
Under The Pits is the level known simply as The Mines. This is where the Dwarves of Shalehaven mine, everything from gold, silver, platinum, adamantine, and gems, to mithril, and even moonstone. The Mines reach far below The Throne layer below them, snaking in and around to wend deep into the mountain. A large portion of Shalehaven citizens work The Mines and they are regarded highly, and well taken care of.   The temple to Denethen in The Mines is simply called The Vein, and is the site of the largest mithril vein discovered in Shalehaven. What was seen as an obvious sign from Denethen, a temple was immediately erected on this spot. It is popular with the miners, and sees a lot of traffic, even from some in The Hollow, who want to experience the blessings of Denethen’s wealth. Denethen visited all the temples in Shalehaven from time to time, but it is said the biggest smile on his face was when he viewed the mithril shining from the walls. A large fresco of Denethen smiling at the mithril is depicted front and centre behind the altar. Urshar Goldfinder is the head priest here and she is a favourite amongst the miners, in particular. She is proud to be part of the lifeblood of Dwarven wealth and prosperity, and makes sure to thank everyone personally who attends her sermons. It is said she knows the name of every miner, but that must be hyperbole, as there are thousands of miners in Shalehaven.  
The Throne
The final layer of Shalehaven is The Thone and where the Ashen Palace is located. This large palace was not simply built, but actually carved from the mountain itself, making it a single piece of stone. After gaining their independence from Forgehome, Shalehaven wanted to show both the world, and themselves, that they were more than just an outpost city under Forgehome. A call went out to every able-bodied Dwarf in the city to come together and help carve out this grand edifice. It took the entire city three straight years, but in the end the Ashen Palace was born. History shows that whenever a visitor would travel to the city with the intent to aid them in its construction, the King himself would meet with them, thank them for their kind heart, but respectfully decline the offer. The people of Shalehaven alone needed to be responsible for its construction, and now it stands as a symbol of what determined Dwarves can accomplish.   In the Ashen Palace are many servants, ministers, crafters, guards, the treasury, and the royal family. A centre courtyard sits in the middle of the palace, adorned with benches, statues, tables, and even a couple wrestling pits. When not performing their duties, the king and queen can be found here with their children, or with some friends hosting parties, or small gatherings.  
Shops, Inns, and Other Places of Interest
The Dwarphanage is the largest orphanage in Shalehaven, built to house the children lost to calamity or war, and can be found on both Topside and Underside. It is owned by the city of Shalehaven, but it is run by Oskarik Starkiel, a Dwarvish man whose love for the children is as bountiful and unwavering as the Barrier Guard mountains. He grew up in the Dwarphanage under the watch of a cruel woman, who decided that her joy came from the despair of the children. When he left the Dwarphanage, he made it his life's mission to make sure that he would become the next caretaker of the children. His hard work paid off and he has refurbished the building, as well as improved the daily lives of the children under his care. He instills a good work ethic in his charges, and makes deals with the city to provide those who can work internships, or apprenticeships where they can do so. The children of the Dwarfanage have come to love Oskarik dearly.   The Stone King is one of the most successful establishments in Shalehaven. It is also one of the oldest buildings. It is a tavern and Inn, with levels on Topside and Underside. The Stone King was around prior to Shalehaven gaining their independence, and was named after Bodrick II, shortly after the city was finalized. It has hosted every king of Shalehaven at one point or another, and the rich history of Shalehaven is linked to this popular inn. Technically, the Stone King is owned by the city as an historical monument, but they do not take any part in the upkeep or running of the place. They lease the Stone King to worthy Dwarves to ensure the maintenance of the building is kept up, and that it is well cared for. If the city deems the caretakers of the inn are not worthy they will remove the current innkeepers and replace them with those they deem more worthy. The current caretakers are a pair of friends born and raised in Shalehaven, with a mind to embrace the new world of visitors, while keeping the history and glory of the Dwarves front and centre. It is a tricky balancing act, but Morgran Bloodkith and Oloraunt Fireforge are both very dedicated and determined to see it happen. They have hired a devoted team of cooks, brewmasters, maids, servants, guards, designers, and architects, to ensure the place runs smoothly, and with great integrity. The uppermost level is the inn portion of Topside, and many visitors will stay there during their whole stay in Shalehaven. The tour guides will often showcase the Stone King to those wishing to visit Shalehaven, or those they meet on their travels. The rooms are varied, and can host up to ten people in the King’s suite, if necessary. The average room holds four to six people, but there are some cheaper, and smaller rooms available also.   The main floor of Topside holds the tavern, and it has one of the widest selections of drinks from all over the east, including some strange brews from The Golden Dome, Stonebridge, and even Aspenshield. The tavern keeper is a Gnome by the name of Cumpess Mooncrowel, and she is very good at knowing what drink a visitor might want. She can assess someone as they sidle up to the bar in short order and have them a drink that they didn’t even know they wanted, in their hands before they even know it. The tavern floor is lively, plenty of room for common tables, private booths, a few fireplaces, and lots of opportunities for stories or songs to entertain any guests.   The middle floor of the Stone King bridges The Topside section from the Underside section and contains the kitchen, the staff lodgings, the laundry room, and various shops for crafting, repairing, or rooms for resting for the staff. This floor caters to both The Topside and Underside of the Stone King equally, and is extremely busy most days of the week.   The top level of the Underside holds the inn and mirrors The Topside version, albeit a little smaller. Most travelers will come Topside so the need for the inn below is less, but still quite busy. Where The Topside inn is more eclectic in its design, catering to many different cultures, the Underside inn is all Dwarf. The colours are muted, the architecture is very classic Dwarvish style, and the lighting is dimmer and more subdued. For those wishing a more Dwarven experience, the choice to go to the Underside inn is a must.   The bottom level of the Underside is the main tavern, and similar to The Topside tavern, it is large, well-stocked, and has plenty of room for a varied array of tables, booths, common tables, stages, entertainment, and fireplaces. It is also more dimly lit, and the rocky walls give it a cave-like feel in many places. Condensation sometimes appears on the walls, giving it an even more authentic look. The tavern keeper on the Underside tavern is an Earth Dwarf named Baern Glanhig, and unlike his Topside counterpart, he never makes suggestions on what customers should drink. He is a firm believer of being adventurous and trying new things, but having the courage to make your own decision. He is quite the philosopher when it comes to drinking, and Dwarfing.   The Topside Strip is at the entrance to Shalehaven and where many pop-up merchants, and a few permanent shops are located. By Shalehaven law, a merchant can only build a permanent shop here if they have been selling on the Strip for over at least three decades. A selection of these permanent shops include a tool and hardware shop named Shale’s Haven, a general store called The Golden Goose, the Surefoot Sausage House, and a popular tour guide of Shalehaven and the surrounding areas called From Shale to the Vale (and back again).   The Hearty Goat is a popular restaurant and purveyor of livestock. Any livestock that doesn’t meet their high standards of quality to sell is used to make their meals (which are also very high quality). It is owned and run by Garnadur Ramheart, but he spends most of his time tending to his livestock. He leaves the running of the restaurant to Penelope Fiddlestep, a Halfling who made her way to Shalehaven to learn Dwarvish style cooking, but stayed to work at the restaurant. She became so good at it that over the years, Garnadur left the running of the restaurant to her almost exclusively. She puts a little Halfling flair into the décor and the presentation of the meals that makes the Hearty Goat a favourite amongst visitors.   The Brewers Branch is both an alehouse and a private club of ale experts. While many dream about being a member of the private club, it is a very selective group, and only a few are allowed to join. The alehouse serves very high-priced ales, which keeps the common folk from visiting too often, which is how the owners like it. In truth, the Brewers Branch is also a hot spot for the Firearm family, and often times the alehouse is closed for ‘private functions’.   The Topside Seats are the furthest back, and cheapest seats you can get to watch a match in the Platinum Pits. Many visitors only get to see matches from this vantage point, but there are a number of entrepreneurial Dwarves who sell seats in Underside from the entrance to Topside Seats. Every match a lucky winner from Topside gets whisked down to Underside to view the fight at a premium seat.  
Much business is done Topside with traveling merchants, visitors, and citizens alike, but the true Dwarven marketplace is in the Hollow at the Arcade. Dozens of shops, stores, restaurants, and taverns can be found along this roadway. One can find the standard array of equipment shops, hardware stores, jewelers, crafters of any kind, but a few stand out in the Arcade. Brevil’s Leather and Hide Emporium, The Ink Well tattoo parlour, and The Holy Cache, are three worth mentioning.   In a city known for its metal weapons, armour, and tools, Brevil’s stands out. They have found a market that is not often explored in Dwarvish cities, and they do very well. The leather needed for weapons, armours, clothes, or sacks are hand crafted by Brevil Broadfist and his team of leatherworkers. He specializes in high-quality grips for weapons, and some weaponsmiths will only use his grips when completing their creation. He is a hard-working Dwarf who never asks more from others that he is not willing to do himself. His team likes him, but they do sometimes feel overworked. There have been some new hires that come and go, but Brevil’s standards are very high and many cannot meet them.   The Ink Well is a relatively new establishment, opened up by a Goliath woman named Nurkara Blackfist. Her hands are quite large, and most are skeptical of her skill at first. The results of her work speak for itself, and she has had many referrals from happy customers. She is a one-woman operation, so her availability is not always high, but she has work lined up for months already.   As religion and tradition are a mainstay of Shalehaven culture, it is no surprise that a wise Dwarf saw the opportunity to offer religious and holy supplies to both the clergy and to the layperson. The Holy Cache has a wide variety of items to offer up, and they do not discriminate against religions. They have provided all manner of items to all three major temples to Denethen, as well as to most of the shrines of the other gods. It is owned by Elaim and Finnelin Runanheim, a husband and wife team that are very good at what they do. They are in the process of opening up another shop Topside, and might even be able to bypass the law that requires a merchant to have been set up for over three decades to have a permanent location. Finnelin is a very persuasive woman, and has the support of Valida, at the Delver’s Den to help win over the city.   Dwarves are very cultural, though many other races do not understand or appreciate what Dwarves bring to music, dance, and art. The Hollow has dedicated some space to showcase all the Dwarves have to offer to the world of art, and entertainment. Within the Cultural District a visitor can find some museums, crafting demonstrations, Dwarven art, music halls, and a few schools. The Stone Drum is a popular music store that specializes in percussion instruments, but all manner of wonderful and unique instruments can be found or ordered. It is run by an old Earth Dwarf Bard named Finnik Greyfoot, who is very fond to demonstrate to customers what his eclectic selection of instruments can produce.   Through the Cultural District is a walking tour of Shalehaven’s history, with plaques embedded in the ground that visitors can follow to learn about the past. At various points one can find little stands that sell beer or ale, small foods that travel easily, and random buskers that are looking to entertain passersby.   A number of schools and a small university is also located in the Cultural District of the Hollow. Most Dwarves will take after their family’s business and do not necessarily go to university, but the headmaster Vonbin Rubyeye has solicited the wealthier families of Shalehaven to gain a better education. He is quite convincing and has almost doubled his enrollment in the last two years.     Royal Family:
  • Heartfire
  Lesser Families:
  • Coldain
  • Bronzebeard
  • Firearm
  • The Arcade
  • Cultural District
  • The Platinum Pits
  • The Ashen Palace
  • Obsidian Anvil (Hollow) (Denethen) – Taklin Durthain (m/earth dwarf)
  • Delver’s Den (Topside) (Denethen) – Valida Deepdelver (f/earth dwarf)
  • The Vein (Mines) (Denethen) – Ursharr Goldfinder (f/earth dwarf)
  Shrines: Barrier’s Sole (Parfin) – Pillson Rockface (m/mountain goliath) Skipping Stone (Lutien) – Ballor Blacksheep (f/tallfellow halfling) Sunderhome (Terralin) – Klassp (f/earth genasi) Cave Mother (Hiatea) – Derance Fieldstep (m/firbolg) Gemhorn (Baphomet) – Gunhilde Klefthammer (f/minotaur) Whistling Rock (Anamare) – Ulfgar Brazzik (m/earth dwarf)   Restaurants, Taverns & Inns:
  • The Hearty Goat – restaurant (moderate)
  • The Stone King – tavern/inn (inexpensive)
  • The Brewers Branch – private club/tavern (expensive)
  Notable Merchants, Shops and Places of Interest:
  • Shale’s Haven – Tool/hardware shop
  • The Golden Goose – General store
  • Surefoot Sausage House – butcher
  • From Shale to the Vale (and back again) – tour guide
  • Topside Seats
  • Dwarfanage
  • Brevil’s Leather and Hide Emporium
  • The Ink Well
  • The Holy Cache
  • The Stone Drum
  Neighbourhoods:   Roads and Thoroughfares:
  • The West Trail (Topside)
  • The North Trail (Topside)
  • The South Trail (Topside)
  • Hollow Way Road (The Hollow)
  • Arcade Way (The Hollow)
  • The Tempus Trail (The Hollow)
  Notable Personalities:
  • King Bodrick Heartfire IV (m/earth dwarf), King; Brenak Heartfire (f/earth dwarf), Queen; Bodrick V (m/earth dwarf), firstborn prince; Hendra (f/earth dwarf), second-born princess; Torvik (m/earth dwarf), third-born prince
  • Gallen Stormaul (m/earth dwarf), advisor and friend to the king; Gemma Bronzebeard (f/earth dwarf), champion wrestler; Oskarin Starkiel (m/earth dwarf), Dwarphanage caretaker
  • Garnadur Ramheart (m/earth dwarf), owner of Hearty Goat; Penelope Fiddlestep (f/halfling), manager of Hearty Goat
  • Morgran Bloodkith (m/earth dwarf), caretaker of Stone King; Oloraunt Fireforge (m/earth dwarf), caretaker of Stone King; Cumpess Mooncrowel (f/rock gnome), Topside tavern keeper; Baern Glanhig (m/earth dwarf), Underside tavern keeper
  • Brevil Broadfist (m/earth dwarf), owner of Brevil’s Leather and Hide Emporium; Nurkara Blackfist (f/goliath), owner of Ink Well Tattoo Parlour; Elaim (m/earth dwarf) & Finnelin (f/earth dwarf) Runanheim, owners of The Holy Cache; Finik Greyfoot (m/earth dwarf), owner of the Stone Drum
  • Vonbin Rubyeye (m/earth dwarf), headmaster of Shalehaven University
Region: The Havenguard Chain (Barrier Guard of Denethen)   Population: 184.950   Racial Breakdown:
   Dominant: Earth Dwarf
   Minority: Earth Genasi, Gnome, Goliath, Halfling, Stone Dwarf
   Enclave: Minotaur, Krysin, Firbolg
   Group: Human, Other Genasi, Dragon Kin
   Individual: Tiefling, Galeb Duhr
   Singular: Annis Hag, Manticore, Fallen   Form of Government:  Monarchy, with Appointed Advisors   Notable Inhabitants:  King Bodrick Heartfire IV; Cyrus Coldain (Ambassador with Forgehome)   Notable Locations:  The Platinum Pits (wrestling ring The Stone King (Tavern and Inn The Open Forge (Weapon and Armour Store), The Dwarphanage (an Orphanage)


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