The Throne Settlement in Aerith | World Anvil
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The Throne

The final layer of Shalehaven is The Thone and where the Ashen Palace is located. This large palace was not simply built, but actually carved from the mountain itself, making it a single piece of stone. After gaining their independence from Forgehome, Shalehaven wanted to show both the world, and themselves, that they were more than just an outpost city under Forgehome. A call went out to every able-bodied Dwarf in the city to come together and help carve out this grand edifice. It took the entire city three straight years, but in the end the Ashen Palace was born. History shows that whenever a visitor would travel to the city with the intent to aid them in its construction, the King himself would meet with them, thank them for their kind heart, but respectfully decline the offer. The people of Shalehaven alone needed to be responsible for its construction, and now it stands as a symbol of what determined Dwarves can accomplish.   In the Ashen Palace are many servants, ministers, crafters, guards, the treasury, and the royal family. A centre courtyard sits in the middle of the palace, adorned with benches, statues, tables, and even a couple wrestling pits. When not performing their duties, the king and queen can be found here with their children, or with some friends hosting parties, or small gatherings.
Underground / Vault
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