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Protected by two rivers this hold is on battered and hardened land that still they try to farm and toil. A wall protects it from harm with the inner sanctum protected again. Everyone seems armed here and residents dueling or training can be seen throughout the hold foretold by scents of sweat and blood that woft towards you.   Ære is the hold of Clan Varcheg and the best fortified hold in all of Solstein. Every resident carries arms and regularly practices their training in the fighting pit and Holmgang used to resolve disagreements.   Locations   Marketplace   Coiled along a road the marketplace houses several stalls of various wares. Residents seem to trade in services and goods with little gold coins but those admired as decoration. All manner of trades can be seen hireable for wares from smiths to alchemists and all others.   Great Hall   A grand hall in the inner hold is built around a brutal throne with heavy wooden sides. Bone traces the edge of the throne and the large skull of what seems like some kind of giant humanoid is held above it. Tables circle around a central table inside the hall underneath which are numerous axes representing vows of the greatest warriors of the clan. Famed weapons of great warriors rest along the walls, some taken down by descendents channelling their forefathers glory and others resting in majesty for their power.   Obelisk of Amber   An obelisk of near 6ft raised on an obsidian plinth. Old tired runes carved into its base in Druidic are faded by time but otherwise offer a pleasant site and offerings are left at its base.   During the Fireborn invasion the changeling Raz of Borlun destroyed the obelisk during her sabotage of Clan Varcheg. While the obsidian plinth remains there are now only shattered amber shards piled loosely together in memory of what once was.   Fighting Pit   Worn with marks of use and wear, the fighting pit of Clan Varcheg has clearly been used by many. Bloodstains frozen in time are as numerous as discarded weapon and two fierce warriors are already duelling in the field on an unclear issue.   Ale House   A small structure that covers a large pot adorned with drinking horns. Assorted workers can be seen approaching and claiming their horn of ale as the day progresses, often standing and speaking to others. On occasion two race to consume three horns first with a fierceness in their mind.   Walls   Along the thin wooden walls several towers have been built to hold lookouts that might allow the gates to be opened if, for any reason, they are closed.
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