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The powerful Magic of the Faeywild brings even the nature to life allowing pollinating trees to spread not only seeds but also Dryad, physical expressions of the soul of nature. Dryads tend to reflect the nature of their tree with their behaviour often linking to the trees age, environment and experiences. Trees that have survived a forest fire may produce more cautious and hardened Dryads while young trees may produce daring pranksters. In all cases Dryads are guardians of their homes and will defend their forests at any price acting as voices for trees with as much devotion as may be shown by the Treant of the Green Father.

Basic Information


Dryad appear as beautiful women with delicate features seemingly made of soft wood that shifts and moves as the skin or scales of a mer. Their hair is made of leaves and foliage that match their court of residence changing or, in the case of those that travel amidst the lands of the mer the season that rules their present position.

Growth Rate & Stages

Dryad's age alongside their birth tree with signs of a tree reaching its time of death often represented more clearly in the Dryad beginning to wither. They are born in accordance with its age and alter to reflect its nature and will.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Fayizk Siyaeq
Geographic Distribution

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