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While many creatures of the Faeywild are renown for their beauty a small minority exist in the exact opposite. A place of reflection the Hags of the Faeywild are hideous figures formed of ill will and malice often tainting the area around them as they come to being. This corruption often leads to Hags being expelled or lured away into the lands of the Mer by other faey who feel a mixture of fear and disgust to these creatures.    Despite their seeming age Hags are immortal as all other faey choosing their elderly form not least to remind their kin of the existence of age but also to lure unsuspecting Mer into a sense of ease and strength. Hags prefer to live away from the Faeywild often returning only at the will of their queen the Baba Yaga  Hags come in various forms often shaped by their new environment which replaces the power of the Faeywild and can sustain their immortal lives by feasting on the raw arcanum within the mer. The stronger the arcane ability the more sustenance they receive and in order to minimize risk they often feast on children who can barely fight back against them.

Basic Information


Hags were almost always unique in their exact forms and mannerisms, but there were typically common physical traits between them. Generally, hags looked like elderly representations of the species they lived around, wrinkled and withered women with disfigurations such as blotchy skin or scales marred by warts and moles. Their long, skinny fingers were tipped by talon-like nails as tough as steel and as sharp as blades, and their mouths were filled with sharp, blackened teeth and noxious breath. Long, frayed hair ringed their creased faces, but even though their faces were heavy from their malice, the glimmer of sly villainy could still be seen in their eyes.

Biological Traits

Green Hags Green Hags possessed greenish skin and a traditionally concieved 'haglike' apperaence with a crooked nose, long claws and ratty mishapen hair. Warts covered their boyd and their eyes held a malicient gaze. The most commonly encountered Hags greens have a preference to set up as 'wise women' and corrupt those mer that come to them offering deals that while seem on the surface to fix a problem possess vile unintended consequences for the pact maker often taking limbs or attirubtes of personality.   Sea Hags Appearing blue in skin and often coated by a layer of saltwater that sweats down their body the sea hag has seaweed interwoven with its hair and a lither form than their peers. Their claws and feet are webbed and their necks possess gills that come into action when they enter the sea but are otherwise placated by the salt-water sweat they produce. Sea Hags gain great pleasure in court politics and are often found corrupting lords and high ranking officials taking their own position as a senior advisor in such a place. Sea Hags have a greater ability to disguise than other Hags and, by concealing their form with enchanted seaweed, may entirely transform their appearence even into that of a male.    Night Hags Among the most powerful and ancient of hags Night Hags loathe to transform their bodies into humanoid facing forms instead choosing to terrorise the dreams of those unfortunate to live near their lair. Night Hags have dark shadowy grey flesh with horns erupting from their forehead and long vicious claws. They tend to dwell within abandoned places using the echoes of the place to give flavour to the nightmares they forge. Night Hags choose one victim at a time but have been known to use powerful magic to corale and bend large populations to be claimed at a later date.

Genetics and Reproduction

Hags were able to reproduce as all Faey coming to being in the Faeywild as a result of festering malice and ill will within it. Yet many chose instead to reproduce by corrupting the younglings of the mer cursing a child into becoming a Hag on their reaching of adolescence in exchange for a service to the parents whose cost was rarely known.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Fayizk Eyigviir
Geographic Distribution

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