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Created as agile scouts for the jungle territories of their vast expanse the Tabaxi are a rare sight today existing in small numbers beyond Koanga and the migratory caravans of the Golden Expanse. They excel as merchants and explorers seeking out knowledge wherever possible which they add to their clans ever growing tapestry depicting all the information they have gathered.   Tabaxi are viewed with distrust by many civilised societies and fear by many others due to their penchant for criminality. As roaming traders with a desire for knowledge they can act as natural fences for criminals and eager thieves when hidden lore can be found. Despite this they have a respected population in the Golden City with Clan Mountain Tree having a seat in the Vizier's Hall.

Basic Information


Tabaxi are taller than most humans at around 2m. Their bodies are often slender and covered in spotted or striped fur though some do possess a more athletically muscular frame. Like most felines, Tabaxi had long tails and retractable claws. Tabaxi fur colour ranges wildly dependent on their heritage with the most common shades ranging from light yellow to brownish red and lesser known shades being white, black and even some more unique shades. The eyes of Tabaxi were slit-pupiled and usually green or yellow.

Genetics and Reproduction

Tabaxi reproduce through sexual reproduction often birthing litters of twins, triplets and quadruplets at a time. The rarity of single child births is such that these children are considered lucky and destined for greatness. Tabaxi pregnancies last eight months and progress in a similar pattern to other Mer.

Growth Rate & Stages

Tabaxi grow over the course of sixteen years with their pubescent years starting at the age of twelve. As younglings Tabaxi tend to be inseparable from their blood siblings developing similar personalities and traits as they act in a near hive minded unity. As they reach maturity however they begin to develop separate identities.    Tabaxi puberty begins with the growth of their tale from a small tail roughly the size of their buttocks to a tail that usually stretches longer than their legs. They begin to develop whiskers on their face and begin to experience a shift in their voice from its higher pitched youthful form. Their sexual maturity tends to develop mid way through this process with monthly cycles for male and female Tabaxi being often culturally referred to as being 'on heat'.

Ecology and Habitats

Tabaxi tend to favour hot climates with most tribes being found in deserts and jungles. These groups tend to follow migratory routes often based on trade with more solitary communities where Tabaxi are given knowledge and historical or magical artefacts in exchange for their wares. These caravans often become a major part of the local economy and are heralded joyfully on their arrival. Tabaxi's naturally adventurous nature leads many to abandon their comfort for less enjoyable terrain however and while few Tabaxi seek out the cold climates of mountainous peaks or arctic tundras they are happy to do so in the course of a quest for treasure.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Tabaxi are omnivorous but require a large amount of meat to sustain their lives. They are able to live their entire lives as carnivores consuming meats to sustain them but will most often perish if attempting to live their lives as vegetarians unless meat substitutes can be found.


Tabaxi tend to be adventurous sorts eager for discovery and easily consumed in search of treasure. Many Tabaxi, particularly in their young adulthood, will depart from their caravan in search for treasure often engaging in long quests that end in a single great find before returning to their homes with trinkets and tales galore. Many Tabaxi will not plunder the hidden sights they find considering small tokens and the story to be the true discovery and happily parting with information of its location to other young Tabaxi wishing to start their own adventures or to eager explorers willing to pay a fee.   Tabaxi are skilled in commerce and freely engage in the exchange of any and all goods with those groups they pass. Their routes are often ancient and well grounded though on need or in light of a great discovery some caravans will engage of great trans-continental journeys trading with those they pass.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Tabaxi society is primarily organised into Caravans who hold usually four or five families of up to twenty members. Caravans are led by a Caravan Master who was often the oldest Tabaxi in the community. They would make final decisions on matters of the caravan and act as the judge in the instance of law-breaking.    The Caravan Master ruled with the assistance of a council of the oldest male and female members of each of the families within the Caravan. Within this council each family would be responsible for a specific area with common designations being: security, healthcare, education, archiving and arcane lore.    The families also manage their own affairs delegating tasks and responsibilities including the families own commercial and delegated duties within itself. Caravans are also led by their eldest members but tend to follow a quasi democratic manner with families voting on decisions such as whether to remain or leave with a caravans.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Tabaxi possess innate Arcanum similar to other creatures allowing them to use magic as the other races of Aesalia can. Aside from this they tend to possess remarkable skills of balance allowing them to act as natural acrobats, a skill that blends well with their claws granting them an innate ability to climb and making many Tabaxi master thieves even if their morality denies such a course.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Tabaxi naming customs follow a first name defined by a combination of the lunar or solar cycle and circumstances of their birth and a clan name derived from their ancestry.    First names take form as a circumstance such as Waking for an early birth of Fiery for a dangerous or volatile birth following by a second part depicting the state of the moon or suns cycle such as Watcher for a full moon or Cloud if a birth was done with a hidden sun during the day. Litters often share naming similarities due to this with the first or second part of their first name being identical between multiple siblings.   Surnames denote the clan and take the form of 'Of the ____ Clan' with the name often denoting its place or circumstances of origin.

Gender Ideals

Tabaxi acknowledge six genders in regular society. Youngling, Male, Female, Effeminate Male, Masculine Female and Agendered.    Youngling is the considered gender of a Tabaxi till they reach maturity at which point they may choose to begin using the gender of their choice. During this phase the Tabaxi's pronouns are largely referral to their position as a child of another with the first letter of their main caretakers name being placed before 'hey such as R'hey  At the point of maturity a Tabaxi can freely shift between their chosen gender identity as is desired by the individual. The Tabaxi do however view such an approach as an internal custom and rarely ask of other species, except in the case of close friend, to acknowledge there gender customs. As such most Tabaxi are conscious of their appeared gender in a binary male/female sense.

Relationship Ideals

Tabaxi often have numerous romantic partners in their lives of both their own and other species, the latter of which they cannot impregnate but for Leonine. A Tabaxi is however expected to settle and marry following a pregnancy after which they are loyal and bound to their mate until all children of their unions are of an age of maturity themselves when the union is broken and each is free to partner with others.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Tabaxi tend to primarily speak Common alongside the trading languages of the local species they regularly visit. Many customs are performed in Leonic though speaking in what many call the 'old tongue' is largely reserved for formal occasions or need to maintain secrecy amongst other races.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Tabaxi enjoy a close relationship with the Leonine often using the Leonic language for their rituals. While the Leonine consider Tabaxi a descendent species of their own and feel protective of their feline kin the Tabaxi see the Leonine as their settled cousins who have lost their desire to roam and explore.
Scientific Name
Sovok Eskavit Kinir
70-90 years
Average Height
Geographic Distribution
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