
Ilmora is a kingdom of the fey and elves, ruled in part by its undying council and in another part by the courts of the fey themselves. Ilmoras leadership is pulled from its council of the Undying, 5 of the oldest elves - who are granted increased longevity through the intervention of the Fey Courts. Each of the courts selects an elder elf to become a council member, who are then kept alive through the arcane machinations of the Equinox Coven, who can keep an Elf alive for an extra decade or more. The Undying are to only be visited by the Equinox Coven, with their words being translated into law and rule by the High Speaker - an individual chosen by the council to speak for them.   This gives Ilmora some autonomy, as their council is only appointed by the courts but it does grant the Fey a large amount of control over them. Ilmora is incredibly diverse in its racial groups, with large amounts of Rakin, Satyrs, Centaurs, and other fey creatures living within the Knife Edge woods and beyond. But it's leadership is almost entirely made up of the Wood Elves, who were originally Pale Elves that fled the fall of Esari and returned to the Fey with promise of rebuilding a kingdom. This has led to a bit of a divide in the species of Ilmora, and bits of tension.   Ilmora is a strange machine economically. They primarily focus on the trade of woven goods, crops, wines, and finery. But with the rise of magical study, Ilmora has also become renowned for its trade in magic. Enchanted items, scrolls, and potions of Ilmora craft are renowned. Ilmora was using the arcane (especially of the natural world) in a more open setting than the rest of Aesteria well before the end of the Dragon War, meaning their craft is focused. Ilmora magic is a refined craft and has led to a large export in magical goods - and a large import in magical ingredients not found in Ilmora.   Ilmora is defended by its standing army, supplemented by powerful spell casters and tamed beasts. It's forces are sometimes joined by creatures of the fey. Despite what many believe, Elven smiths aren't great. Ilmoras weapons and armour are behind that of the other kingdoms, which is why they often enchanted pieces to make up for lacks of ore and modern smithing techniques.   Ilmora has no public guilds, farmlands, or companies. Everything is owned by the kingdom, and controlled by various governmental organisations who are managed by the High Speaker - appointed by them. This means nearly everything is in part, controlled by the Fey Courts and who ever they elect to be on the Undying Council.


Ilmora is very community focused. Blood relations mean little, with more coming from the community that helps raise you. Dedication to nature is a heavy part of Ilmoran culture. A person lacking respect for the natural world is seen as something almost close to evil. Ilmora brings aspects of the "rich" to the poor. Almost every aspect of Ilmora is controlled by the government, with 0 publicly owned property or companies, leading to little in the way of work outside of these positions. Ilmorans don't trust private entities, and often have issues with trust.

A Kingdom of Life

Geopolitical, Kingdom
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Government System
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Mixed economy
Feylettes (gold, silver, and copper coins whose face changes as the courts do)
Official Languages
Notable Members