Aquadrom Geographic Location in Aetherios | World Anvil


"Fortune favors the bold, but fate favors non. Out in these waters you gotta look out for yourself or be killed, its just the way it is out here"- Mayor of Bilgewater

Aquadrom is a backwater plane both figuratively and literally. It is a plane almost no one travels to intentionally, in fact the planar bridge to Aquadrom has been permanently decommissioned. This is because any who enters this plane cannot leave and are stuck here permanently. Objects and people that get lost during planar travel, random objects from astral rifts, and most likely any lost item ends up in Aquadrom. The keys you cant find probably ended up here. It is this strange phenomenon that makes Aquadrom the backwater plane for everything that is lost within the multiverse. Those who find themselves here can expect to deal with the Pirate Syndicate , League of Conquerers , Spears of Triton, and many more threats that lurk on the islands and beneath the depths of the ocean.  

Variant Rule: Aquadrom Traits

Dark Depths. The phenomenon that surrounds this plane prevents all within it from leaving. Those on this plane cannot use magic that would travel to other planes or would contact other planes. Pocket dimensions within Aquadrom may exist however.  

The Ocean Expanse

Much of the the plane is covered in water with only scattered small islands that dot the ocean. Is is a turbulent body of water in every sense. Storms are a common danger and have claimed countless ships to their watery grave. Shipwrecks are a common sight as many have been sunk by storms, naval combat, underwater dangers, or even the ocean itself. However beware as sunken ships still pose a danger from whatever may lurk inside, remember giant crab, shark, octopus, etc. are all very real threats within the ocean. Not every ship sunk stays that way though, ghost ships lurk the seas in hopes to send others to their watery doom. The Drowned are another very real threat you may face when traversing the open waters. They say those who drown at sea are offered a chance to come back an enact their revenge, any foolish enough to accept this deal come back as a slimy barnacle, coral encrusted shell of their former selves taking upon traits of creatures that live within the ocean. Roaming bands of viking giants aboard long ships are also known to raid ships on the sea, they are known as the Krull Clans. The ocean itself posses threats as well, fog, coral reefs, sandbars, whirlpools, etc can all end the lives of those who are not careful. Extra planar threats are also another threat to watch out for, as things fall out of the sky every now and again that have claimed by this mysterious plane. The Lords of the Sea are the gods of this plane and even though they rarely interact with it, can be a force to be reckoned with if angered.  

The Ocean Expanse Adventures

The Pirate Queen. Athena was once the most feared pirate in the entire plane but was betrayed by her first mate who mutinied with some of her crew, she was killed and all her treasures robbed. However her rage was too great for her to die, her and her crew were raised from the dead as immortal pirates. Since then she has been working from the shadows to enact her revenge. There are whispers of her return but none know the danger he posses to the fullest extent, she wishes to put the entire plane under her boot by taking control of the Kraken. Beware all those who come across her vessel, Athena's Revenge.
The Pirate King. The previous pirate king, Captain Rumjoy, disappeared mysteriously at sea some time ago. However as respected and liked as he was, all are more concerned as to where he hid his vast riches as he was said to be the richest pirate alive! A clue to its location might be found for those who first find his sunken ship or his last known whereabouts. He did indeed hide his riches but the true treasure is hidden within a different location, the long lost egg of the Kraken.

Variant Rule: The Ocean Expanse Traits

Curse of the Drowned. Any character that dies at sea can accept a deal to come back to life. Every 24 hours they have a chance to gain features that resemble traits from the sea or sea creatures. After a creature is corrupted a total of 10 times they become hostile and seek out their drowned brothers and sisters. When a character chooses this option use Race: The Drowned.  


Tsun is considered the deepest part of all the ocean expanse. It is located within the midnight zone, far from where light can reach making it a mysterious and scary part of the ocean. Many strange and unknown creatures lurk deep within these depths including the Star Spawn, who sometimes leave this area in search of magic to feed on. Most of the region is unexplored and it is unknown what dwells within. However one thing is agreed upon, a strange whisper can be heard by all those exploring Tsun. Unknown to most this whisper comes from the ruins of an ancient city long forgotten. Aboleth taking refuge within these ruins slowly corrupt the minds of all who dwell too close to their domain. Under the watchful eye of The Elder, they ensure none can leave this plane until they are ready to show the multiverse that the Aboleth have returned.  


Tsun is an area pitch black with not much to see. It is an underwater wasteland filled with dead coral reefs and remains of kraken. Some old underwater cave system run the bottom of Tsun all throughout. Ancient monuments of a race long forgotten can be found alongside ruins scattered within the area.  

Tsun Adventures

Voices of the Elder. Some people on the surface have people having nightmares, hearing voices, having visions, and are going insane. No one knows why and are in a panic. Little do they know the Aboleth of Tsun have been corrupting their minds using artifacts that enhance the reach of their mental manipulation. Why they are doing this might just be beyond our mental comprehension though.
Tsun Rising. For those who seek to leave this plane you will have to uncover the dark secrets that lie within. Eventually this should bring you to the Aboleth. Kill them or make a deal them, either way you need off this plane!  

Variant Rule: Tsun Traits

Unhinged Madness. Those who spend time in here will hear the whispers of voices speaking in an unknown language. Every 24 hours spent in Tsun has a chance of causing a level of madness.  

Coral Catacombs

There are air pockets within underwater caves that contain a mass of dead coral. These massive caverns are known as the Coral Catacombs. They have been known to be used as hideouts for thieves and criminals alike, a place to store treasures, and safe haven for the Cult of the Kraken but more importantly the Scion. Getting to one of these catacombs is the hard part, as it requires quite a bit of swimming to do.  


The Coral Catacombs are a wide expanse of caverns filled with dead coral reefs. Bioluminescent fungi grows within these caverns allowing for dim light throughout. Various nests can be found with the coral reef from giant crab to Scion. The caverns go on for miles in different direction making them easy to get lost within.  

Coral Catacombs Adventures

Cultist Activity. People on the surface have been going missing recently. Little do they know it has been the Cult of the Kraken who have been kidnapping them and bringing them down to the Coral Catacombs. Only a few more people only a few more people and they will have enough to perform a ritual needed in order to call forth the kraken's wrath on all who dwell on the surface.
Scion Infestation. The scion have been frequently pulling unsuspecting sailors off their ships as of late and no one knows why. Meanwhile deep within the Coral Catacombs the scion are using dark magic to transform the sailors into scion themselves! Only some time now until they have enough forces to overrun the surface!  

Kraken Cove

Kraken cove is the resting place of the Kraken. Long ago this used to be the breeding ground for all kraken however, unknown to most, the aboleth had orchestrated the near extinction of all kraken. Now only one remains and it resides within the cove which acts as a massive kraken graveyard. They late at night, those near the cove can hear the wailing of the kraken, unknown to them this is because of its missing egg.  


The rocks around the cove are tall, steep, and very jagged. Large Sharp rocks stick out of the water in and around the cove. The waters are rough and there is a strong current that can pull unsuspecting ships straight to their doom. Under the water inside the cove lies a massive kraken graveyard. Sunken ships of those sunk here can be found scattered across the cove. A warning sign specifically made by the Kraken.  

Shipwreck Isle

Population. 25,000 (50% human, 1% elves, 1% gnomes, 1% halflings, 2% tieflings, 10% dragonborn, 10% orcs, 10% hobgoblins, 10% dwarves, 3% lizardfolk, 2% kobolds)
Government. Ruled by the Pirate Council which is led by the Pirate King or Queen.
Defense. Thousands of cannons and siege weapons at the ready. A small fleet of ships always within port.
Commerce. It is a center of trade for all pirates, almost everything stolen and plundered eventually finds its way through here.
Organizations. Various pirate crews including those of the Pirate Lords.
From afar you might think this was an island but take a further look closer and you will see it is actually an artificial island made from ships stacked and strapped on top of one another. Ship parts and entire ships are clearly visible all over this man made island. It is as much an island as it is an impregnable fortress, with a vast amount of firepower capable of fending off an entire fleet. It is this island where the Pirate Council makes all their important decisions and where the Pirate King/Queen resides. It is considered a neutral ground for all pirate kind. Shipwreck Isle stands tall in the sky for all in the region to see.  


All pirates follow a code, some more loosely than others, and that code was written here by the Pirate Lords. The Pirate Lords form what is known as the Pirate Council. Among them they elect a Pirate King/Queen to lead the council. It is through this council that all major decisions are made.  


Being the center hub for pirate activity there is always bound to be crime but it is far less than you might think. Yes there are tavern brawls, people getting robbed, and the trafficking of stolen goods but more serious crimes are typically not committed here. This is because the isle is a neutral ground for all pirates so vendettas are put on hold while within the isle.

Shipwreck Isle Adventures

Pirate Politics. The Pirate Council have been trying to vote in a new Pirate King ever since the last one mysteriously disappeared at sea, Captain Rumjoy, however lots of in-fighting have prevented them from getting close to any sort of decision. Perhaps they need an outside opinion.
An Inside Job. A pirate crew is actually working for the League of Conquerers and is searching for weaknesses in its defenses or ways to sabotage it. Depending on your allegiances you might help them or try to stop them.  

League Dreadnaught

Population. 8000 (40% human, 10% vampire, 20% goliath, 20% aasimar, 5% aven, 5% genasi)
Government. The League is ruled by a Supreme Commander which commands it in a military fashion.
Defense. Extremely durable hull, has a multitude of cannons and very large weapons.
Commerce. The League acquires all it comes into contact with, the most valuable of all materials is funneled to this ship. The ship is equipped with stores, taverns, and shops as well, for the crew.
Organizations. The church is allowed to act on the ship providing faith and moral for the crew.
The League Dreadnaught is the flagship and base of operations for the League of Conquerers and their entire fleet. This massive ship is one known to not only be unsinkable but also to have sunk countless small fleets. The tallest masts of the largest ships do not even reach the deck of this gargantuan ship. The deck of this ship is so huge that the League fixed entire building on top of it. Its size is not only for practical implementations but also to strike fear into all who see it. Because of its size the defensive capabilities it has is massive, however it far more exceeds in the direction of offense. The ship not only has a lot of guns, but large ones too!  


The League of Conquerers is led by a Supreme Commander and it is run in a military fashion. Chain of command has high value in this group; obedience and honor to your higher ups being the most sought after traits. Its this command structure that has allowed the League to work as efficiently as it does.  


Being that this is the flag ship and base of operations for the League and its entire fleet, crime is extremely rare aboard this vessel and is usually swiftly acted upon with harsh punishment.

League Dreadnaught Adventures

Sell Swords. The League is always willing to pay those who are looking for work. If your looking for coin they might just have the job for you.
The Belly of the Beast. If your allegiances pin you against the League than you might want to take out their Dreadnaught. To do this your gonna have to infiltrate it and take it out from the inside, as this might be the only way to sink it.  


Population. 100,000 (40% triton, 40% merfolk, 10% simic hybrids, 10% Sea Elves)
Government. Ruled by a king and their royal family.
Defense. Thousands of warriors and domesticated sea creatures used for battle.
Commerce. Sells artifacts found underwater, rare underwater materials, and fish to surface dwellers.
Organizations. organizations R'Da is a massive underwater city that serves as the home for the Spears of Triton, a faction made up of Triton and Merfolk. The architecture of the city seems ancient and archaic however is continuously maintained and up kept. Many sea animals can be found within the city and are commonly domesticated. Also the city is a center hub for current tunnels, paths of extremely strong current underwater used for travel, that extend all throughout the plane. Surface dwellers are not typically allowed here and to do so is a great honor, however you would have to be able to breath water first.  


R'Da is ruled by a royal bloodline and further more a king. They have followed this tradition of being led by a monarchy for generations and openly accept it. Generally the people have both admiration and respect for their king and typically follow him loyally. The triton are the ones who rule in this bloodline which in turn has caused some merfolk to resent the monarchy wanting to be in positions of power themselves. Overall though the government treats its people well and the people greatly support them.  


R'Da has its share of crime but only to an extent, small crimes may e committed with more extreme ones being a rarity. The most serious crimes are ones considered against the crown.

R'Da Adventures

Fish Are Friends. Many Triton and Merfolk have been killed as of late and no one knows why. They are desperate to fix this as they have begun to ask surface dwellers for help.
Under War-Ter. The Spears of Triton have gone to war with the Scion but the Scion outnumber them ten to one. They are going to need all the help they can get and they just might swallow their pride to ask for it.  


Population. 60,000 (40% humans, 15% dwarves, 10% lizardfolk, 10% kobolds, 5% goliath, 15% tieflings, 3% orcs, 2% hobgoblin)
Government. The port city is ruled by an elected mayor.
Defense. The city is equipped with multiple cannons and siege equipment plus all the residents and their ships whom are for the most part thieves, smugglers, criminals, or pirates.
Commerce. When it comes to business, no place is like Bilgewater. Almost anything can be bought or gambled for here.
Organizations. Many criminal groups, smuggling operations, thieves guilds, and pirate crews can be found here.
Bilgewater is the largest port city in the entire plane and is considered a neutral ground for all factions. It is under the leadership of a mayor but law and rules barely ever apply here. It is a haven for thieves, criminals, pirates, smugglers, and other degenerates. A place to make a fortune or to lose it in a blink of an eye, this city is vustling with activity at all hours of the day. Its a place where morals are thrown aside and all that matters is coin. If your looking to start off an adventure, Bilgewater is the place.  


The port city of Bilgewater serves under a political democracy, this does not however mean that it is not corrupt. Many elections are rigged and politicians paid off. The mayor has final say over decisions within the city but is usually just a puppet for other organizations who have the mayor in their pocket.  


Crime is at an all time high within this city. Robbery, murder, theft, gambling, fighting, etc. are just some examples that go on within the city. Despite its high rate of crime it is still a neutral ground for all factions. No wars are fought within the borders of Bilgewater which is enforced by the city guard who are glorified bandits.  

Bilgewater Adventures

Rumors of the Drowned. It is said that the drowned have been coming here at night and killing random people within the city with barely anyone noticing or caring. Are these attacks random or is there something else going on here? That is for you to find out.
Dead Men Tell No Tales. A Ghost Pirate Captain appeared before the cities main square warning about the impending doom that their attack will soon bring. The city is going to need help defending against these ghost pirates.  

The Scorched Isles

The Scorched Isles are a series of volcanic islands and at the center is a massive dormant volcano. It is said that if the volcano were to ever erupt, the islands would be erased from the seas forever. Despite this there is still activity on these islands, merchants see these islands as a goldmine due to its unique materials only found on volcanic islands. This would be black sulfite, which can be used to make gun powder. Many creatures adapted to its firey climate live here as well, expect to see fire breathing creatures. The remains infamous pirate Flamebeard are hidden within these islands however he had found a way to cheat death and now haunts the isles looking for a way to animate his skeletal remains.  


The Scorched Isles are a chain of volcanic islands and so volcanoes can be found from big to small on each island. For the most part these volcanoes are active and occasionally rain fire and molten rock on the surrounding area. The islands have changed and adapted to accommodate this, many plants are hot to the touch and are constantly singed like glowing embers on the ends. Creatures have adapted to this climate as well taking on traits of its firey surroundings. Many black rocks are found around these islands known as black sulfite and are typically surrounded by scorching glowing orange and red rocks that resemble amber like crystals known as Brimstone. Brimstone is highly combustible and are prone to explosions. The sands of these islands have been turned to grey ash and the dirt black like obsidian. Hot geysers are dotted around these islands as well occasionally blowing their lid. The center island has the largest volcano of the bunch and is currently dormant but one day may be active again.  

The Scorched Isles Adventures

Captain Flamebeard. The infamous captain Flamebeard is close to finally resurrecting himself. This could mean doom not only to the isles but the rest of the sea. You must stop his plans for if he is not stopped, the rest of the surface that remains will be scorched hell.
Counterfeit Powder. The latest batches of gunpowder sold from these isles has been bad resulting in it not igniting. Little does anyone know the merchants here have been changing the process of making gun powder to make it fast and cheap to produce but resulting in ineffective gun powder. Some may be looking to investigate into this.  

Variant Rule: The Scorched Isles

Scorched Earth. The radius of all fire spells and attacks are doubled and do an extra damage die of damage.


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