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Fulmar the Doomhammer

Fulmar the Doomhammer, Grand Master of Infernal Arms, Lord Smithy of the Soulforge Foundry and Smelter of Souls   Fulmar was one of the first devils, born out of the first fallen mortal souls to find themselves in The Abyss and set themselves against the mindless destruction of the Demons.   Fulmar forged an alliance with four others - Ultima the Peerless, K'ao-zzin the Scribe, Q'Vas the Marquis of Mirrors and Maladrax the Bloodwing - to create the first council of Archdevils. A maker by nature, Fulmar was the one who found a way to mine the Imperishable Substances from the Pillars of Aiaos, and from that substance forged the infernal arms of the council: the forked spear Adastra, the quill Tallis, the mirror Olvaro, the sword Daesh and his own hammer, Brom.   With Brom, Fulmar raised the Soulforge Foundry to be his workshop and citadel, and for as long as the Nine Hells have stood, has provided weapons and armour for the Deep War. He is the creator of the infernal engines and artillery used on the plains of Gehenna, both by the devils he makes them for and the demons who steal them.   As the ranks of the Archdevils have grown, he has forged more infernal arms: the spears Rameth and Mareth, the great key Klayve, the rod Setis, and the axe Extremis.   Fulmar is a massive figure, twelve-feet tall, as far as a devil is bounded by constant dimensions, but built like a dwarf, with hugely broad shoulders. Metal is twisted and melted into his long hair and beard. He wears nothing but an apron of dragonhide, and boots and gauntlets of iron.


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