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Nine Hells

After the Colossus War, the Pits began to form around the bodies of fallen Colossi, and from those pits, Demons were spawned with the hunger to destroy the Pillars of Aiaos already gnawing at their hearts. The Abyss was not empty, however, but filled with evil souls which grew in power until they became the first Devils. Dedicated to order and rule, they gathered under the banners of the strongest and the most cunning among them, and understanding the threat to the world they wanted to rule, they created the Hells as fortresses to defend the Pillars of Aiaos.   The Hells are strongholds forged from law and dominion. To create them, the first Archdevils took their names of nobility, fused them to the Pillars, and manifested the walls and form of each Hell from the very bonds and obligations that weighed upon those names. When a Hell changes hands - as happens from time to time - the new Archdevil binds their name to it in place of the old. Where the change occurs through conquest, the victor may also claim the noble name of their defeated predecessor. The change of ownership can radically transform the Hell.  
  1. The Bladed Circle on the bloody field of Gehenna; Seat of Imrael the Fallen. The Circle defends the Pillar Relentless against the demons of Shuhkthi, the pit of the spawning pool. It is also the principle warcamp of the infernal forces engaged in the prosecution of the Deep War.
  2. The Fathomless Vertex in the chasm of Escharon; Seat of the Archimandrates Astolat the Bloodbane and Diyah the Silvertongued. The Vertex defends the Pillar Aspiring and the ascent of the chasm from the gibbering hordes of the hanging cages of Alathkthi. It is a vital strategic location, controlling movement between the Dismal Mansions, the Plains of Strife and the material plane.
  3. The Soulforge Foundry in the withering fires of Khorundam; Seat of Fulmar the Doomhammer, Grand Master of Arms. The Foundry defends the Pillar Redoubt against the champions of the Crucible of Malice, Rashalkthi, and is besides the first armoury of the Hells.
  4. The Eternal Labyrinth in the folding mists of Suspiria; Seat of Marquis Q'Vas. The Labyrinth defends the Pillar Bastion against the whispering spirits of the Sombre Maw, Omrakthi.
  5. The Perilous Athenaeum in the shadowed halls of Inveris; Seat of Archlector Bleys Greyshade. The Athenaeum defends the Pillar Vigilant against the shadeborn nightmares of the tenebrous womb, Matrakthi.
  6. The Pitiless Reserve in the hunting ground of Caradon; Seat of the Archclerk K'ao-zzin. The Reserve defends the Pillar Enduring against the undead hordes of the bone cathedral, Undahkthi.
  7. The Unending Ministry in the poison garden of Veridia; Seat of Sir Omphala. The Ministry defends the Pillar Equipoise against the macabre dancers of the mortal masque of Olukthi.
  8. The Sombre Oubliette in the dragging mire of Incarceron; Seat of Archwarden Illuvis Once-Divine. The Oubliette defends the Pillar Redeeming from the demons of the Iron Cage.
  9. The Absolute Citadel at the heart of the Upended Spire Gorotho; Seat of Ultima the Peerless, Prince Absolute of the Nine Hells. The Citadel defends the Pillar Valorous against the cthonic legion of the Crawling Caverns.
Dimensional plane


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