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Summer Camp Prep 2024

So, first actual article. Let's see how this Summer Camp thingy goes.  

Week 1: Get organized

Assignment 1: Consider Change

Change is more or less the idea that inspired the whole world so I'm confident I'll be able to work something out with this theme. As the borders shift, communities that should have been connected aren't anymore, the powerfull may become powerless and even the landscape within towns and cities can be transformed by the new settlers.   The arrival of this new people from across the sea will also affect the dynamics in the area.

Assignment 2: Set Goals

It's my first time, my fist world and I'll have some other stuff going on in July so I'll go for copper this time.

Assignment 3: Categories & Tags

I'm going to trust World Anvil and go with the suggested ones for now. Although I'll be writing in Spanish so I still had to do some editing there.

Assignment 4: Meta

This is basically the only thing I had completed so far.  

Week 2

Assignment 1: Consider Refuge

I hadn't thought specifically about refuge although it's kind of built in. The original inspiration for this world came from studying the Medieval times in the Iberian Peninsula, the border areas in particular. Border towns and cities were harsh to live in but they also were a refuge for those looking for a second —or third— chance in live. They needed to make them atractive somehow.   There's also this people that lost their homeland centuries ago. Forced to live in a foreing land, they take refuge in their shared culture and beliefs. I guess I'll have to wait and see the actual prompts but I think I have something to work with here.

Assignment 2: Accountability

Well, since I'm willing to give the whole Summer Camp a chance, I might as well try out the discord server too...

Assignment 3: Styling

I'm OK with the current layout and confortable with BBCode. So far, the world is just for myself so I'll be keeping it simple.

Assignment 4: CSS

No CSS privileges for me.  

Week 3

Assignment 1: Consider Belief

I love this theme so much I can't wait to see the prompts. The relationship between superstition, religion and magic is actually one of the focus points I chose in the Meta. I wouldn't even know where to begin writing an explanation about this topic. If I needed any more motivation to participate in the challenge, here it is. I just can't wait!

Assignment 2: Find your inspirations

It somehow feels like I've been workint on this one for quite some time. I've never been very visual and music tends to fade away in the background when I'm concentrated on something else, so I don't ussually look for images or sound as sources of inspiration. I take it more often from legends, ideas or sensations. Like the smell of the soil and moss in this park my dog loves to go to. The place kind of reminds me of the theme in the previous week, it could certainly work as a refuge for a group of rebels or something like that.

Assignment 3: Images gallery and maps

As I said above I'm not a very visual person and don't really go for images as a form of inspiration. I'm working on creating a map for my world but it doesn't feel like a priority right now.

Assignment 4: Review your inspirations

It's a new world so my original inspirations are still relevant.

Week 4

Assignment 1: Consider Decay

Another theme I hadn't think about before. I'm curious about the kind of prompts that will come out of this. Regarding my world in particular I'm not sure how this can fit in, although there's this people who had to flee their homeland because of a disaster so I might get to write a bit of history?

Assignment 2: Optimize your environment

I have an old dog that needs attention at random moments during the day —even though she sleeps most of the time— and tends to step between me and whatever I'm trying to do, so this one may get tricky sometimes. I do have plenty of time to think —sometimes even write— during our walks though.

Assignment 3: Review your homepage

I'm OK with my simple homepage for now. As I wrote before, this world is mainly for myself so I'm not really looking for potential readers yet. I'm not kicking them out if they want to read though.

Assignment 4: Update intro and author page

Not ready for that yet.  

I guess this is it. Let's see what July brings us.


Event Name

Summer Camp 2024




Copper Change
3 out of 8
Silver Refuge
3 out of 8
Gold Belief
1 out of 8
Diamond Decay
1 out of 8

All Articles
8 out of 32

Copper Change

8 Prompts
2 Wild Card Prompts
Theme Description
Tumultuous times are interesting moments to set stories in, whether they be due to natural disasters, sickness, conflicts, or others. Characters face unusual challenges, infrastructure breaks down, and society as a whole can change. Change can be big and small—from the size of a small community or city to the entire universe—, and it can be positive and negative.
My Goal
En un mundo con fronteras y condiciones inciertas, espero poder empezar a conformar algunos de los reinos y etnias en contacto dentro de Airebi. Quizá también entender y explicar la historia de esa etnia desplazada.

Silver Refuge

8 Prompts
2 Wild Card Prompts
Theme Description
Where do you go when everything around you changes? A refuge can be a literal place (like a building or a city), but it can also be anything that keeps you safe or comforts you. The change someone takes refuge from can also be small in the grand scheme of things—sometimes, small changes can have deep consequences on a specific person or group.
My Goal
Este tema me da una oportunidad de dar forma a esa etnia desplazada y su cultura, un refugio para su nueva condición de gente sin tierra.

Gold Belief

8 Prompts
2 Wild Card Prompts
Theme Description
Religious belief is a foundational element for many cultures, but belief doesn't have to be about religion! Beliefs can be about superstition, urban legends and myths, people you believe in, and more. Essentially, anything and anyone that inspires people, for good or ill.
My Goal
Con este tema, espero poder profundizar en las religiones, supersticiones y otras creencias en relación con la magia en Airebi.

Diamond Decay

8 Prompts
4 Wild Card Prompts
Theme Description
Most things decay over time, but, just like all other themes, decay can be understood in a multitude of ways. There's physical decay, but there's also moral decay—both often go hand-in-hand with old organizations, and physical decay can be used as a metaphor for moral decay. And decay isn't always a bad thing - an evil empire might crumble so something better can flourish. Think about how people in your world try to prevent decay too!
My Goal
No tengo grandes esperanzas sobre este tema, al menos, hasta ver las propuestas.


Copper Change

Prompt 1
A tumultuous region prone to natural disasters
Prompt 2
Natural Law
An environmental or other large-scale natural disaster
Prompt 3
A character who goes through a great change or metamorphosis
Prompt 4
A sickness that caused societal upheaval
Prompt 5
A document that changed the course of history
Prompt 6
A displaced people in your world
Prompt 7
Military Conflict
A conflict that involved a changing environment
Prompt 8
A vehicle that, when introduced, caused social upheaval
Wild Card Prompt 9
A myth about food
Wild Card Prompt 10
A building associated with joy and fun

Silver Refuge

Prompt 1
A settlement considered a refuge
Prompt 2
A technology used for defense or protection
Prompt 3
A naturally sheltered place
Prompt 4
A building considered a refuge against de world
Prompt 5
A unit dedicated to guarding someone or something
Prompt 6
A personal item that keeps you safe
Prompt 7
A tradition that gives confort
Prompt 8
A species with protective anatomy
Wild Card Prompt 9
A sub-culture considered larger-than-life by some
Wild Card Prompt 10
A charity or other organization focused around doing good

Gold Belief

Prompt 1
A faction of an organization built around belief
Prompt 2
A myth, urban legend or conspiracy theory believed by many to be true
Prompt 3
An evil spirit or divine antagonist
Prompt 4
A document of spurious or controversial attribution
Prompt 5
A relic or symbol of belief
Prompt 6
Slang or a language associated with a religion or belief
Prompt 7
A leader or high-ranking person in an organization
Prompt 8
The practices and ceremonies of worship
Wild Card Prompt 9
A settlement that's known as a party town or pleasure city
Wild Card Prompt 10
A hybrid species intentionally bred

Diamond Decay

Prompt 1
A myth or prophecy about the end of the world
Prompt 2
A material that is resistant to decay
Prompt 3
A profession that is considered dirty
Prompt 4
An organization fighting corruption
Prompt 5
A tradition that represents moral decay
Prompt 6
An animal or plant that feeds on decay
Prompt 7
A degenerative desease
Prompt 8
A piece of tech that prevents decay
Wild Card Prompt 9
A story teller, author or bard in your world
Wild Card Prompt 10
A geographical region that is expanding
Wild Card Prompt 11
A food often eaten by travelers
Wild Card Prompt 12
A building that was meant to be temporary


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