Kathor Character in Aither | World Anvil
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The First Demon Knight

"Traitor! Traitor! That traitor must be slain, and you, you, who are loyal to him. You must share his grave." - Kathor (In demon form).
After being the victor of the 126th Kitzstadt tournament (during the Kitzstadt's Founding Festival), Kathor, as the people's champion, was chosen by Kathdormar, The First Giant as the first wielder of The Storm-Weaver. After being granted this power, along with already having exceptional skill, it wasn't long before Kathor became a member of the The Knights of Alderhardt. During his time as an Knight of Alderhardt, he was responsible for many successful campaigns against the yuan-ti of Oshal, as well as forcing the warriors of The Sahrian Union to enter a union with Alderhardt, simply due to the respect that he garnered as well as his sheer martial power. Eventually, Kathor lead the Knights of Alderhardt, and his position was named The Demon Knight after him.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Much like the armor that came with the rank of Demon Knight after Kathor's death, Kathor was a black tiefling, with dark hair, braided into thick dreads. He was abnormally large for a tiefling, and had white eyes, leading to many believing that he was actually blind, but no proof came from this.
53 (Age of Death)
Date of Birth
15th of Olarion, 522BDE

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