Kitzstadt's Founding Festival Tradition / Ritual in Aither | World Anvil
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Kitzstadt's Founding Festival

On the 40th of Corrien, five days before the end of summer and the beginning of autumn, the people of Alderhardt celebrate both the founding of their country, along with the founding of their capital. At this time, a festival is held, where the people enjoy traditional meals, the opening of the Kitzstadt market, with traders coming from across the continent. The most famed part of this festival is the Tournament of Founding, which had once been a tournament where adventuring parties or military squadrons battled for fame; however, in recent years, the tournament has returned to its roots, becoming a tournament of singular combatants. Since this change, the winners, in the last 7 years, from least recent to most, include:  
  • Yenros Karden
  • Annoxis Bauden
  • Candorran Fellon
  • Candorran Fellon
  • Vanguard
  • Ayame Taru
  • The Demon Knight
  • The most recent edition of the tournament has been cancelled, due to the assassination of the King.

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