Kinara Faedris Character in Aither | World Anvil
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Kinara Faedris

Once a Knight of Alderhardt and a member of The Arms of Elysium , Kinara, despite her appearance, is far more experienced than one would imagine, being a half elf, with a much longer lifespan. She was also once a lieutenant in the ranks of Alderhardt's military, but disagreed greatly with the discontinuing of the Oshal Campaign, with her being one of the few that managed to escape the failed siege. Now in Knaeva, hoping that becoming a The Sentinels would grant her the ability to rectify the errors of her people.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Given her beauty, many have called Kinara too lady like to be a maiden of war, but she ignored these comments, earning the respect of her fellow soldiers. Her, long brunette hair, and green-grey eyes are juxtaposed with the battle like nature of her steel plate, which is often seen wearing to prove a point.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Being born in the predominately elven city of Valenrouse, Kinara's father, not wanting to raise a child if he would outlive her, allowed her mother to take her. They moved to Strobenheim, The City of the Stone Kings, where her mother became a nun, and raised Kinara. The young half elf found that she was a talent with the blade, being enlisted into the Arms of Elysium. She did not initially want to be a part of the militia, but did so on behalf of her mother.     Her want to fight for Alderhardt began to fade after her mother's death, and entirely vanished after she watch many of her friends die or get captured at the battle of Ad-Durat. The final nail in the coffin was the pulling out of the Oshal Campaign, meaning that those who were captured would be abandoned. Unable to accept this, she left for Knaeva, hoping to join their ranks instead.
Date of Birth
18th of Corrien
Year of Birth
438 ADE 44 Years old

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