Yenros Karden Character in Aither | World Anvil
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Yenros Karden

Commander Yenros Karden

A half elf paladin, and former founding member of The Gauntlet of Kitzstadt., Yenros, after his many adventures and almost limitless accolades, felt that he still wanted to do true good in the world, after finding the religion of Afrid, the Goddess of Life. After leaving his home nation of Alderhardt, Yenros joined the newly established country of Knaeva, using his renown to help build up awareness of the new nation, as well as his skill and experience to partly lead the nation's military as a commander.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Although short, Yenors is strong, muscular and well built. His hair is often tied back into a short, braided ponytail, with grey streaks of hair running throughout. His face is lightly scarred and, with a trimmed brown beard, along with fairly short ears for a half elf, Yenros embodies more of his human heritage than his elven half. Typically, Yenros is clad in darkened plate armor. Many think that this is due to him showing that he has been through many dark parts in his life, and the darkened armor is a reflection of this; however, the truth is much simpler. He thinks that it matches the colour of his dark hair.

Mental characteristics

Personal history


Yenros' parentage was quite typical for a half elf born in Alderhardt, with a father from the city of Strobenheim and a mother from the elf heavy city of Valenrouse. What was not typical was that the two decided to get married after his mother became pregnant, moving to Strobenheim, as Yenros' father was a paladin in The Arms of Elysium To this day, it is rare that the parents of a half elf stay together, as the night and day difference in lifespans makes such relationships difficult, making Yenros one of the lucky few.  

Early Life

Yenros was always going to be a soldier, a paladin, and maybe even a knight. Despite his height, his want to become a warrior, following in his father's footsteps, was something that made up for it. His longer lifespan, in comparison to humans, gave him the time to train, and when he felt as though he was ready to become a paladin, he ended up being one of their greatest new prospects of the Arms of Elysium. Even at a young age, at least for a half elf, Yenros rose through the ranks at a fairly fast rate, doing what his father never could by becoming both a paladin, then later a Knight of Alderhardt. Much of his early life was actually quite simple, other than this. He was sent to war a few times, but was more so given guard duty much of the time, which did not really bother him, given his love of spending time with his parents.   During one of his stints as a glorified town guard, attempting to bust one of the secret trades in the city by The Azure Owls, Yenros met Sofia von Strifer, who was being held as a hostage. Being grateful for her rescue, Sofia asked if she could take Yenros out for a meal, and they began to meet up from time to time, a romance slowly blossoming between the two. Sofia was scarred from the experience, both physically and mentally, causing her to become frail. This increased her dependency on her lover as time went on, leading them to become near inseparable.   Mere months after their marriage, Yenros was sent to Oshal in the hopes of liberating another slave camp, despite his wife wanting him to stay in Strobenheim. He was given little choice in the matter; however, and manage to save a fair few slaves whilst leading a battalion of his own for the first time. Here, he met Faenor Anari-Fellon, and the two became fast friends, with Yenros putting in a word for the high elf at the Ridrose Institute of Magic, where she then studied.  

A Series of Unfortunate Events

Despite how well life seemed to be going for him, things would change for the worst rather drastically for Yenros. After trying for a child with Sofia, and failing time after time, only producing stillborns or miscarriages, his wife could not live with herself, feeling as though she was failing the man that she loved most in the world, taking her life soon after. Mere days after this event, Yenros' father was killed by bandits while travelling from Kitzstadt, causing Yenros to throw himself into a rage, hunting down the bandits and slaughtering them without remorse. All he had left was his mother, whom he grew even closer with, given that they had both just lost the loves of their life.  

The Founding of the Gauntlet

A few weeks later, after dragging himself through the worse years of his life, Faenor contacted him, hoping to catch up by attending Kitzstadt's Founding Festival together. He agreed, secretly hoping that he could participate in the tournament held during the Festival. Whilst there, they met the eccentric and flamboyant Carrius Simara, the stoic Kallun Bandur, as they wandered, looking for a group to join the tournament with. A day later, the four of them met four more, Echaron Fellon, whom Yenros became fast friends with, Tharla Olyth, Uther Nariak Flintvigor Gathakupine Artax and Tharaz Tonack, forming The Gauntlet of Kitzstadt. and winning the tournament.  

Time in the Gauntlet

Yenros became close friends with Echaron, taking an elder brother like role with him. He took a similar role with Faenor, being the friendly veteran of the group, being the moral bedrock of a party that largely consisted of paragons. His role became even more important after the death of Uther, as his experience with dealing in extreme hardship helped to rally the party together. He never became the leader of the group, but took on the role as a secondary commander towards the end of The Gauntlet's time, when Echaron began to take charge.   This only ever wavered once, when he was responsible for Echaron's capture, after disobeying Thara'z orders, believing them immoral. Echaron went after him, knocking him unconscious and getting others to send him back to the party as he held off a large number of Cultists of Kanerast, The Mad Son. Yenros felt extremely guilty over this, and even after they saved Echaron, the guilt would not leave him until he made peace with it months later. The introduction of Candorran Fellon into the party, who was the one that captured Echaron, and was an enemy of The Gauntlet for a long time, did not help, with the two butting heads many times, never truly becoming friends, but eventually learning to tolerate each other's presence.  

Life in a New World

Despite often declaring himself to be one of the most useless members of The Gauntlet, Yenros was instrumental in the slaying of Kanerast, whose death ended the party's time together. He struggled to go back home, enjoying his time with his mother; however, he found that life outside of the party was stagnant. Discovering that The Arms of Elysium and The Knights of Alderhardt had some dubious incidents to their name, he found it difficult to justify to himself why he was even there anymore, feeling as though he was simply moving through life, devoid of those that he considered his closest friends.   After discovering a couple of massacres at the hands of Alderhardt's military, he decided that he had enough, doing his best to bring it to light, but finding that the justice he wanted simply could not be achieved. He then travelled with his mother to the newly found country of Knaeva, fighting for them instead, as he agreed with their morals and reason for fighting. The alliance they had with the three elven kingdom helped as well, as it meant that Yenros could possibly see the friends in each of those kingdoms again, whom he missed so dearly. His connections, reputations, experience and skill were enough for him to be made a Commander in The Sentinels of Knaeva, which he has continued to be to this day, even buying a home in Earthelm where he and his mother now reside.   One of the proudest moments of Yenros' life, in spite of all of his many accolades with the Gauntlet, occurred in this time as well. He was a guest at Faenor and Ellaria Anari-Fellon's wedding, someone that, as previously stated, he was extremely close with. Faenor asked Yenros to act as her father for the wedding, as she none of her own, and he accepted gladly, allowing him to feel as if he had the child that he so desperately wanted all those years ago.
Date of Birth
3rd of Olarion
Year of Birth
395 ADE 87 Years old
Dark Blue
Long, Brown with grey streaks
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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