Candorran Fellon Character in Aither | World Anvil
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Candorran Fellon

"When you're killed, and brought back by the woman that loves the man that killed you, who you've dedicated your life to kill, at his request, it really puts things into perspective for you. When that rage is gone, gone for good, you see clearly that the life you've been living, it's all gone to shit." - Candorran
Famed warrior, and honorary member of The Gauntlet of Kitzstadt, Candor, despite his troubled upbringing, became one of Aither's greatest heroes, being a champion at the Kitzstadt melee and a rival to the equally famed fighter, Echaron Fellon . Now residing in the mountain tops of The Kathoid Range, being counted as a member of the aarakocra monks that reside there.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Often described as looking like a fairly typical, young, half-elven fighter, Candor has scars that run up along his mouth and up to his left eye. Often wearing pieces of darkened plate mail over a dark green shirt, Candor is a warrior through and through, rarely being seen in anything other than his armor.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Bastard son of the infamous traitor Eldrin Fellon, Candorran, simply called Candor, was used by his father as a bargain to grant himself powers from the demi-god Kanerast. Brought up by his father to be as perfect a warrior as he possibly could, in order to better serve his new master, Candor lived for one thing; to be the greatest protector of his father, due to the surprising abundance of love that came from the relationship. Eventually, his father was slain by Candor's cousin, Echaron, and Candor swore vengeance.   Wanting nothing more than Echaron's death, Candor attempted to slay his cousin time after time, but his honor only afforded him the chance to slay Echar in single combat. Time and time again, Candor was beaten and was eventually killed by Echaron and his party. Tharla Olyth, another member of The Gauntlet of Kitzstadt, and Echaron's lover, revived Candor, convincing him that Echaron's death would only bring him a feeling of emptiness. Changing his perspective over the course of several weeks, Candor joined the party instead, continuing his rivalry with his cousin, without the blood lust that had once came with it. Some say that becoming a Harbinger Born helped his 'transformation' but the affects of this on the young elf cannot be directly measured.   After the defeat of Kanerast, The Mad Son, Candor decided that he would try seeking spiritual peace with the monasteries atop the Kathoid Range, after meeting the genasi monk, Effie Koss, forming a loose partnership, sometimes adventuring as a duo. He now acts as a type of protector for the monks of the Kathoid Range, due to his skill and known great power.


Echaron Fellon

Cousin (Important)

Towards Candorran Fellon



Candorran Fellon

Cousin (Important)

Towards Echaron Fellon




Candorran and Echaron have had a difficult relationship, with it being filled with a great deal of fighting between the two, due to Candor being a part of a cult following a mad demi-god and Echar doing what he could to stop said cult. After Candorran was slain by Echaron, and later brought back to life at his request, Candorran became indebted to his cousin, seeing himself as his rival.

Date of Birth
11th of Rizora
Year of Birth
356 ADE 126 Years old
Echaron Fellon (Cousin)
Dark, Parted
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization

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