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Hundar's Stone Monument


The area is filled with large stones, carved with intricate patterns and designs. Many are arranged in unusual piles, seemingly intentionally. At the center of this area, a large, stone dais rests surrounded by a circle of tall stone pillars, each with similar carvings on them. The carvings depict the history of the forest from before the confluence up to present day, however the final stone has been left blank.
  • Hundar, with the help of some unexpected fey magic, has created a powerful divination tool named The Prophecy Stones.
  • If a creature sits at the center of the stone dais for 1 minute, they enter a meditative state which they cannot be awoken from for 10 minutes (they are considered unconscious). During this time, the creature is shown visions of their past before receiving a cryptic message about their possible future. Once they exit the meditative state, they must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, or suffer 1 level of exhaustion.
  • Once a creature has used The Prophecy Stones, they cannot use it for 1 year. If they would try to, they suffer 8D6 psychic damage and are thrown from the dais as soon as they would enter the meditative state.


Hundar has a small shelter, located to the side of The Prophecy Stones, made out of rocks he has piled together to make a small cave. It is simplistic, but functional.


Hundar is a stone giant which left his home in The Ersatz Mountains after being exiled. He made his way into The Heartland Forest where he settled after discovering an area filled with workable stone. Over the years he has lived here, he has been undisturbed by Melora's Conclave, who have not seen him as a threat. However, since leaving he has succumbed to the dreamwalker madness which afflicts stone giants who spend too much time on the surface.
Location under

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