The Arakhor Valley
The home of the Arakhor is located in a small, enclosed valley in the east of the forest. Its northern and southern sides are boarder by steep hillsides with exposed rock, meaning most access in and out of the valley comes through the east and the west where the terrain changes more gradually.
Within the valley, very little large foliage and plant life grows due to the presence of the treants which inhabit the area, the the forest floor is completely innkeeping with the rest of the forest. In addition to the treants, other plant creatures including wood woads, shambling mounds and groffs call the valley home. Finally, due to the presence of fey magic in the area, dryads are known to live amongst these creatures. All of these creatures make up The Arakhor, the forest guardians.
Localized Phenomena
Due to a concentration of fey magic in this area, it is common for portals to the feywild to open within this area. Through these portals, many creature come to the material plane (such and dryads and eladrin), and, though they are known, the portals are still difficult to pinpoint or predict.
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