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The Mothertree


40% Half-Elf, 20% Human, 20% Gnome, 10% Genasi (70% Water, 20% Earth, 10% Air), 10% Other (including aarakocra, centaur, changeling, fairy, firbolg, goblin, herengon, owlin, satyr and tortle).


The settlement is governed by Melora's Conclave. They are lead by Garen Greenshore, the current Master of the Wild, who has been in the position for 20 years. All citizens of The Mothertree are inducted into the conclave when they reach the age of 18 and work to further the goals of the group. On the rare occasion that an individual or group come to live within The Mothertree from the outside, they are expected to also join the conclave as part of that process.


The Tree. The bark and remaining heartwood of the The Mothertree is 20ft. thick. At its base is the settlement's primary entrance, a 20ft. tall, 20ft. wide gateway carved into the wood forming a tunnel to the root quarter. There are additional entry points carved into some of the upper branches, which lead down to the branch quarter.   The Guard. Whilst each adult citizen of The Mothertree is a member of Melora's Conclave, not all of them are considered militarised, nor are they expected to be. The conclave boasts a force of 1,000 active, militarised members, known as the terraguard who acts as the local law enforcement and defenders of the boarders. Many of these are however required to go on missions away from The Mothertree, so typically about half that number are there at any one time. The ranks within the conclave's structure directly translate to the hierarchy within these guards.   The highest ranking of the conclave (Autumnreavers and Winterstalkers) additionally have access to flying mounts, such as giant eagles and owls, which they just to patrol the sky surrounding The Mothertree's boarders. Whilst mounted, these members are known as the Skyguard.   Magical Defenses. Thanks to the presence of strong fey and elemental magic, as well as powerful practitioner of that magic. the settlement houses a number of magical effects which aid its protection:
  • Thorn Wall. which emanate
  • awakendestroy


The settlement is divided into five distinct sections. Four of this reside within the trunk of The Mothertree itself and the fifth on its outskirts. These sections are referred to as quarters as, when the settlement was first founded, there were originally four sections. Introduction of a fifth was needed as the settlements population expended over the years. Each one serves a different purpose within the settlement, with some only being accessible to certain members of Melora's Conclave.  

Outer Quarter

agriculturallabourersDescription. idyllicprominenttemperature, with just the right amount of rain for the crops.

Notable Locations.
  • Windrider’s Winery. A tavern located on the edge of the quarter, famous for its small vineyard and picturesque views of The Mothertree and the Rive Vita. It is owned and run by the air genasi Zephyr, who also produces a famous red wine from the grape he grows, named Scarlet Draught.

Root Quarter

Function. Located at the base of the settlement, at the thickest part of The Mothertree, this district is the largest and most densely populated with residents and businesses, forming its main community hub. It is a vast, circular space, easily the size of a small town within the center of the tree.

Description. The streets and walls are illuminated by green, bioluminescence contained within lanterns and most of the buildings are 1-2 stories tall and made with timber matching the inside of the tree with tiled roofs made of layered bark. The streets are busy most of the day with the sounds of people going about their daily business. Voices and footsteps reverberated slightly off the interior walls, though the hard wood floor making the footsteps more muted compared to the stone cobbles of traditional roads. The scent of oak fills the air here, like walking into a small furniture shop. It is strong at first, but it soon becomes fainter as it becomes easier to ignore, and the faces of all the wooden surfaces have been sanded and oiled, making them incredibly smooth.

Notable Locations.
  • Goodberry's. A large tavern located towards the center of the quarter. It is owned by the firbolg Adofaer, who famously gives out a goodberry with every drink as apposed to providing traditional meals. These goodberries can be produced to emulate any flavour the patrons desire.
  • Pocket Change. A general goods store located to the east side of the quarter. It stocks a variety of different wares, containing multiple mini-stores within it, including: an apothecary, a bakery, a blacksmith, a bookstore, a clothing store, a grocers, and a hardware store. Its owner, a changeling named Cas, has formed a different persona to act as the face for each of these separate shops.
  • Suncrest Barracks. The primary barracks for the terraguard, located in the south-west of the quarter. It is utilised by Springwarderns and Summerstriders members and positioned purposely close to the main entrance to the settlement. The barracks is overseen by the centaur Summerstrider, Suncrest Captain Althaea Selevarun.

Trunk Quarter

Function. Located up a pair of large, curved staircases which climb around the interior edges of the root quarter, the trunk quarter is the central section of The Mothertree, situated a couple hundred feet above the ground. The entire quarter is a worship space dedicated to Melora, the Wildmother and is one of the most hallowed locations in all of Concordia.

Description. Similar to the root quarter, this floor of The Mothertree is very open plan, the two sets of stairs which led to this area enter from south-east and south-west edges and immediately bring people to The Oakheart (see below). The streets beyond the temple remain illuminated by the same bioluminescence at the root quarter's, however the homes here are larger, formed by rows of 3 floor townhouses. Outside of larger services, this is one of the quietest quarters in The Mothertree. The streets of The Parsonage Crescents rarely have much foot traffic, and the temple itself is known for being a place of peaceful contemplation when services are not occurring. However, when the temple's choir sings, the whole quarter reverberates with the sound of angelic voices. The Oakheart is filled with a variety of plants, including flowers and vines, which fill the space with a wonderful floral scent. These are maintained daily by the conclave's druids to ensure they remain fresh, and are kept seasonal. This quarter is also known to be the warmest in the whole settlements thanks to it being an nexus for the fey and fiery elemental energy which imbues the whole forest.

Notable Locations.
  • The Oakheart. The largest and most significant church of The Wildmother in all of Concordia. The sanctum is a vast, open space, which takes up almost half of the trunk quarter. Its size allows for all residents to attend services as well as perform rituals in Melora's name. It is run by the Winterstalker, the half-elf Archbishop Valanthe Rothenel.
  • The Parsonage Crescents. A series of curved streets north of The Oakheart filled with townhouses. These belong to members of the clergy and their families and are gated to any non-residents.
  • The Xylem. A crane and pully lift system located in the north-west, which connects the trunk quarter with the above branch quarter. The lift is guarded 24/7 by a pair of Autumnreavers to ensure it is only used by those with clearance.

Branch Quarter

Function. This quarter, located towards the top of the trunk, where the branches begin to reach up to the tree's canopy, is home to some of the most important resources the conclave has at its disposal. This level is only accessible via The Xylem in the trunk quarter, or from one of the tunnels carved into the tree which lead to the external branches, hundreds of feet above the surrounding landscape. Access to this level is individualopportunity Notable Locations.
  • The Arboreal Archives. Located towards the north-east of the quarter, the achieves are a vast library containing a repository for ancient lore and history related to Concordia. The information kept within its walls primarily relates to: Concordian flora and fauna; planes of existence beyond Concordia, particularly The Beastlands, The Elemental Planes and The Feywild; and the history of The Confluence, or at least some of the pieces of it which survived. Many of the tomes and scrolls kept here are one of a kind and preserved by a number of the conclave's librarians (all Autumnreavers in rank). These efforts are coordinated by the satyr Winterstalker, Archivist Chara Dawngreet.
  • The Krigalan Gate. A temple-like building, located at the center of the quarter, which houses a portal connected to Krigala, the first layer of The Beastlands, where the conclave (under the blessing of The Wildmother) summon creatures to search out potential champions of nature. The space also gives Winterstalkers the ability to also observe the beasts and their chosen companions by entering a trance-like meditation in specially constructed chambers. This temple is overseen by the gnome Winterstalker, Gatekeeper Lorilla Fablestable.
  • Starsky Barracks. A secondary barracks, located in the south of the quarter. It is utilised by Autumnreaver and Winterstalker members and positioned close to the most accessible group of tunnels which lead to the external branches of The Mothertree where many giant eagles and owls, who serve as mounts, nest. The barracks is overseen by the aarakocra Winterstalker, Starsky Captain Salleek.
  • The Crown Strider. A portal which leads from he branch quarter to the canopy quarter. It functions similarly to a teleportation circle and can only be activated by The Master of the Wild, their family and Winterstalkers.

Canopy Quarter

Function. The final quarter of the settlement, located beyond the trunk of The Mothertree and nestled within its thick branches and foliage, is the home of The Master of the Wild and their family. The quarter is also accessible by Winterstalkers and contains a number of meeting and training facilities for their exclusive use. Below are some of notable locations in the quarter:

Description. Entering into this quarter places people onto a rune-covered branch stump within a network of large branches high in The Mothertree's canopy. Wooden rope bridges extend from this platform to other similar one across the tree top. So of these are used as viewing points for observing different areas of The Heartland Forest and both rise and climb to suitable vantage points. Shadewood Manor is located above this platform whereas The Seasonhall is located below it, though neither are visible from the nests on the outskirts of The Branch Quarter. These two wooden structures appear to grow from the branches they sit on, with roots extending from the walls into the foundations. The sound of rustling leaves is common here as the canopy of the tree surrounds most of this are like a cocoon, however the bridges are not disturbed by this.

Notable Locations.
  • Shadewood Manor. processinginteracted
  • The Seasonhall. Located south of Shadewood Manor, this is a meeting hall for the highest ranked members of the conclave. Winterstalkers use it regularly to discuss matters related to the entire conclave and the Master of the Wild will also often join meetings here. The hall also contains facilities which enable users to cast sending, to aid communication between members, or otherwise.

Guilds and Factions

The Cloaks. Members of The Cloaks are aware of the existence of The Arboreal Archives and will often petition its scholars for tomes and scrolls related to research topics they are conducting. Occasionally, these requests are granted, but under the supervision so as to ensure the protection of the valuable knowledge.


The history of The Mothertree begins at the end of The Confluence. After the original members of Melora's Conclave began their efforts to repair the damage to The Heartland Forest and discovered The Everflame. It is believed the magic from The Everflame encouraged the growth of this tree and after two hundred years of group it was made the residents of the conclave.   Since then, the original magic of the forest has returned and a magical, fey-like quality has taken over the forest. As a result, The Mothertree is now home to many fey creatures who have crossed over from various portals known to have appeared in the forest over the years.


The land surrounding The Mothertree is known or being hilly, with exposed rock being common place. The settlement sits at the bottom of a small valley, surrounded on all but its southern side. The dense foliage surrounding the valley make it near impossible to see the settlement until the edge is reached. Paths from the surrounding cliffs are commonplace and allow travel to and from the base of the valley.   The magic of the region affects the settlement in many unique ways. Firstly, a river, known as the River Vita, originates from the base of the tree. It extends around The Outer District and eventually of a small waterfall before disappearing into the forest and is known for its unique healing properties. Additionally, around the canopy of the tree, is a series of continuously swirling clouds, which despite the weather continue to orbit the foliage. These are believed to form from spray thrown up from the river below which then orbits around the crown of the tree due to an attraction between the water and tree's magic.


  • The Mothertree

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