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45% Human, 30% Dwarf, 20% Genasi (100% Earth), 5% Other.   1% Noble, 99% Working Class.


A single noble family is in charge of running Stonefall. The head of the family is appointed to the position of Governor whilst other members of the family are given the positions of 'Overman' and 'Underman'.   The 'Overman' was in charge of all affairs in the town, from defence to imports and exports, while the 'Underman' was tasked with the running of Stonefall's mines.   The family meets every evening to discuss the events from that day and, once a week, the Governor holds an open forum in the main square to discuss any issues the town may be experiencing.


The 'Overman' commands a small force of 100 men who police the town and maintain it's gate. There is no need for additional infrastructure due to the rocky landscape Stonefall sits one which provides a natural defence against attack. These men are also in charge of the upkeep of the town's rockslide defences which are scattered around the city.

Industry & Trade

The main trade in Stonefall is with iron from the mine. With it, they trade for every other resource they require, including (but not limited to): wheat, hay, flour, meat, spices, cotton, water, wood and various other metals.


Rockslide Forge. Named for the numerous natural disasters which have befallen it, the forge is home to the town's resident blacksmith Flint Brawnanvil. Here, he processes the raw ore which is mined in the town ready to be exported to neighbouring settlements. He also produces equipment for the people of Stonefall.     The Hall of Stone. A holy place dedicated to the god Moradin, this well frequented temple was built by the families who live in Stonefall.     Stonefall Mine. The mines employ most of the able bodied men in Stonefall and yield a tremendous amount of iron which act as the main source of capital for the town.     Trading Post. This is the first structure visitors see as they enter Stonefall. It acts as a meeting point for merchants and the Governor to broker deals with the iron for other supplies the town need, including food and water.


Stonefall was a two which appeared after the Confluence. As people began to explore the region around the newly formed Ersatz Mountains, one lucky prospector discovered a large deposit on iron which have been raised from deep underground. It wasn't long before word of this spread and a community began to form around the newly constructed mine.   The town later earned it's name for numerous rockslides which could be heard and sometime seen from the surrounding mountain range and while this made Stonefall a dangerous place to live, this didn't stop the dedicated miners looking to profit from the local riches from settling.   These days, iron production is slower than it was. The wealth of the town has diminished since it's glory days, but the people remain hopeful a new vein will be hit soon.


The houses in Stonefall are all relatively basic, made from wood and thatch. This includes the Governor's family home. The only structures which vary from this are the Rockslide Forge, Hall of Stone, Trading Post and stature of the god Moradin in the town square. This is because the stone that can be procured from the mine is too valuable not to be traded when there is a demand for it. Therefore, it has only been used in the construction of the town's most important buildings.


Stonefall lies at the base of the south-east corner of the Ersatz Mountains. It is built on a variety of levels which lead up the mountains to the point where they reach the entrance to mine which the town was built around. One road, leading south, connects the village to the next nearest settlement, Linstead. Surrounding it on all other sides are the Ersatz Mountains, completely unassailable by normal means and subjecting the town to the constant risk of rockslides from all angles.

Natural Resources

Stone and iron from the mine.


  • Stonefall
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