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60% Human, 20% Genasi (90% Water, 10% Earth), 5% Halfling, 3% Half-Orc, 2% Half-Elf, 10% Other.   60% Working Class, 35% Middle Class, 5% Upper Class.


The city is run as a plutocracy, the wealthiest merchants having the most sway within in walls. Many wealthy families frequent the public courts to discuss matters relating to the city, however three family hold more influence than the others: The Anderwins, the Davenfields and the Rottlands.   These policies and the laws of the city are enforced by the city guard, lead by their commander, with occasional help form The Steel Brotherhood should the need arise.


Commander. Ghesh Yarjerit   Honourable Judge. Gregor Redtide   The city employs a trained force of approximately 2,000 soldiers (90% Human, 5% Half Orc, 5% Earth Genasi) to protect the city.   The city is built on a large, east-facing cliff. It's northern and western sides have large palisades with accompanying towers surrounding them. The bridges which connect the city to the south each have walled courtyards at the entrances to the city. The large towers scatters along these walls are equipped with Trebuchets and ballista to defend against invasion.   City guard patrol the streets at day and night, focusing mainly on the merchant and noble districts.   City Laws:
  • No murder, self-defence is okay if it can be proved.
  • No stealing.
  • No drinking in public.
  • Be presentable and orderly in the Waterside District.
  • No not disgrace the God of Storms and abide by his tenants where appropriate.
Breaking the law, depending on the severity with result in jail time at the barracks, before a trial before a local judge. Trial by combat is legal in the city.   Punishments include: fines, jail time, exile, removal of limbs and death.

Industry & Trade

Newport acts as the main port in which connect the mainland to the eastern isle. As a result, many goods come through the city, some get sold at the large market in the city centre, however many merchant make their living buying these goods and exporting them across the continent.


The city is separated into four districts: The Southern District, also known as the Poor District; the Western District, also known as the Merchant District, the Waterside District, also known as the Noble District and the Dockside District.   The Tilted Tavern. Tavern/Inn (Poor) - A bar located in the southern district. The building itself appear quite run down, however it is busy most nights, filled with workers from the district and the port. It is run by the half-orc Brent.
  • Room per night per person - 1sp
  • Meal per person - 6cp
Gorgon and Mason. Tavern/Inn (Standard) - An establishment popular with the middle class workers of the city, located in the western district. Most people who drink here do so regularly. It is run by the human Garrick, who has become famous in the city for the new drink he popularised in the city (with the help of some adventurers) called Sangria.
  • Room per night per person - 8sp
  • Meal per person - 5sp
The Alchemist. Tavern/Inn (Standard) - A popular tavern located in the western district, particularly with younger patrons, who believe the barkeep infuses his drinks with magic to make them stronger. The owner is a water genasi called Ripley.
  • Room per night per person - 5sp
  • Meal per person - 3cp
The Bluejacket Distillery. Tavern/Inn (Rich) - A gin distillery located in the waterside district of the city. It is made from well-chiseled, white stone, it's interior house a small number of tables with a couple of areas for bar stools, and out the back is a picturesque garden. A juniper tree grows behind the bar. The ingredient for the gin are imported from the eastern isle. The owner is a man called Darius.
  • Room per night per person - 2gp
  • Meal per person - 8sp
Liqueur's Kiss. Brothel - Hidden on the edges of the waterside district, this brothel caters to all citizens of Newport who know it exists and are able to get to it without being escorted away by the guard. The owner is a female half-elf called Theren. She employs a bouncer, a half-orc, called Feng.
  • Room per night per person - 4gp
The Cobalt Forge. Blacksmith (Rich) - The original blacksmiths in the city, located in the waterside district having recently moved. Bruenor, the dwarven owner, is a seasoned smith who shares his time between creating high-end pieces for his normal customers and maintaining the ships which need servicing in the docks.
  • All mundane Weapons, Armour and appropriate Adventuring Gear
  • Armour of Gleaming - +50gp
  • Cast-Off Armour - +100gp
  • Dread Helm - 60gp
  • Moon-Touched Sword - +75gp
  • Smouldering Armour - +50gp
  • Unbreakable Arrow - 5gp
  • Veteran’s Cane - 100gp
  • Walloping Ammunition - 3gp
  • +1 Weapon - +425gp (40%)
Clink 'n' Clank's. Blacksmith (Poor) - Run by a couple of gnomes of the same name, this blacksmith is a relatively new business which took over the space the Cobalt Forge left in the western district, and is looking to grow.
  • All mundane Weapons, Armour and appropriate Adventuring Gear > 500gp
The New Harbour Plaza. The centre of the city and the location of the Newport's famous, large export market.
  • Wheat 1lb. - 1cp
  • Flour 1lb. - 2cp
  • One Chicken - 2cp
  • Salt 1lb. - 5cp
  • Iron 1lb. - 1sp
  • Canvas 1sq.yd. - 1sp
  • Copper 1lb. - 5sp
  • Cotton Cloth 1lb. - 5sp
  • Ginger 1lb. - 1gp
  • One Goat - 1gp
  • Cinnamon 1lb. - 2gp
  • Pepper 1lb. - 2gp
  • One Sheep - 2gp
  • Cloves 1lb. - 3gp
  • One Pig - 3gp
  • Silver 1lb. - 5gp
  • Linen 1sq.yd. - 5gp
  • Silk 1sq.yd. - 10gp
  • One Cow - 10gp
  • Saffron 1lb. - 15gp
  • One Ox - 15gp
  • Gold 1lb. - 50gp
  • Platinum 1lb. - 500gp
The Dew Drop. An apothecary found in the western district which sells a variety of potions. It is a very tall, thin building with a flat room housing a botanical garden. The shop almost appears like it was built in-between it's neighbours as an afterthought. It is run by a human called Orlan Skydew. He also employs an apprentice called Leia.
  • All appropriate Adventuring Gear
  • Bead of Nourishment - 5gp
  • Bead of Refreshment - 2gp
  • Skydew’s Spice Pouch - 50gp
  • Potion of Healing - 50gp
  • Potion of Greater Healing - 250gp
  • Potion of Animal Friendship - 100gp
  • Potion of Hill Giant Strength - 200gp
  • Potion of Fire Breath - 175gp
  • Potion of Growth - 200gp
  • Potion of Water Breathing - 150gp
Winstine's Wizardly Wares. An enchantment shop located in the merchant district. It appears more ornate and well decorate than the shops around it, as if influenced by magic. The owner collects magical items and sells them on. The owner is a human called Isidor Winstine.
  • All appropriate Adventuring Gear
  • Lv. 0 Scroll - 25gp (90%)
  • Lv. 1 Scroll - 50gp (90%)
  • Lv. 2 Scroll - 75gp (80%)
  • Lv. 3 Scroll - 250gp (60%)
  • Lv. 4 Scroll - 375gp (30%)
  • Lv. 5 Scroll - 2,500gp (10%)
  • Boots of False Tracks - 90gp
  • Candle of the Deep - 60gp
  • Cloak of Billowing - 50gp
  • Cloak of Many Fashions - 75gp
  • Clothes of Mending - 75gp
  • Instrument of Illusions - 100gp
  • Rope of Mending - 50gp
  • Wand of Pyrotechnics - 100gp
  • Bag of Holding - 500gp
  • Immovable Rod - 350gp
  • Lantern of Revealing - 250gp
  • Wand of Magic Detection - 400gp
The Tabernacle of Faith. The multifaith temple located in the south-east of the city. The temple has areas dedicated to all deities, but focuses predominantly on Erathis and Melora. The facilities are overlooked by a half-elven archdeacon called Sylthana Amastacia.
  • All appropriate Adventuring Gear
  • Cure wounds (1st level) - 10gp
  • Identify - 20gp
  • Lesser restoration - 40gp
  • Prayer of healing (2nd level) - 40gp
  • Remove curse - 90gp
  • Speak with dead - 90gp
  • Divination - 210gp
  • Greater restoration - 450gp
  • Raise dead - 1,250gp
The Storm Shrine. The principle place of worship in Newport. The church is dedicate to the god of storms and strength, Kord. It is also the principle place of worship for Kord in the country and home to the archbishop of the faith, the goliath Ilikan Dawncaller.
  • Dark, stone walls rise about 60ft. capped by pointed roof lined with polished, blue-tinted marble, rising a further 30ft.
  • The walls at the front of the church form a point which bisects the road, at their base two large wooden doors reinforced with iron sit flat in carved recess under the imposing pointed stone.
  • Set back from the centre of the roof, a large steeple protrudes rising high into the sky, a large sword with a lightning bolt cross guard, the symbol of Kord, jutting forth from this seemingly almost touching the clouds.
  • From the outside, you also see the transept bisect the main structure, forming the hilt of what you now realise to be the sword-shaped building.
  • As you enter, you are greeted by a large stone visage of The Stormlord himself appearing as a human-like man, barrel chested with massive muscles, a thick beard down to the middle of his chest and wearing iron bracers on his wrists and a loincloth made from a variety of animal furs. He is depicted wresting with a minotaur, it’s head locked under his left arm as his right hand stretches to the roof grasping a lightning bolt.
  • Down the nave, wooden pews are arranged on the left and right, with aisles either side of them and down the centre.
  • Along the walls of the side-aisles, stained glass window allow light in a spectrum of colour to flood to room, the north wall’s depicting different feats of strength while the southern wall showing scenes of ships and cities being battered by harsh storms.
  • At the ‘hilt’ of the building, stairs ascend from each direction to a large, flat, stone dais. A pulpit sits at the top of the stairs in front of you, seemingly for when congregations meet. This area is bathed in yellow and blue light from the largest stained-glass window in the church, which takes up most of the eastern wall. It depicts a large, golden symbol of The Stormlord surrounded by the crashing waves of a turbulent sea.
  • Above this dais is the large steeple seen from outside, however from here you can see it is in fact hollow, with a direct line of sight from it to the sky above. The interior walls of the steeple appear lined in glossy, pale metal.
  • More pews are placed in the north and south transepts, with the north typically seating paladins and the south typically seating clerics.
  • At the back of the church, down the stairs from the dais, you see a narrower area for smaller ceremonies with a stone alter at the back along with a series of small, wooden doors on the side walls.
  • All appropriate Adventuring Gear
  • Cure wounds (1st level) - 10gp
  • Identify - 20gp
  • Lesser restoration - 40gp
  • Prayer of healing (2nd level) - 40gp
  • Remove curse - 90gp
  • Speak with dead - 90gp
  • Divination - 210gp
  • Greater restoration - 450gp
  • Raise dead - 1,250gp


Mobile siege weapons to defend the city from a sea assault are kept at the barracks.

Guilds and Factions

The Steel Brotherhood. The guild's unofficial headquarters is located in the merchant district, just off of the market square. Here, the guild's most renowned members reside. It is also believed the guild's secretive leader lives in the city, due to this being the nicest guildhall.
  • Large, pale stone walls with tall, iron-framed windows.
  • Large, wooden double door with a crest depicting a flat-topped shield and crossed sword above it.
  • A silver plaque, with the words 'Silver Brotherhood Headquarters' engraved onto it.
The Silver Hand. The guild runs out of the southern district of the city, hidden amongst the poorest citizens. Here, they try to influence the richest families and take what they can from the city for their own ends. They also have a rivalry with The Silver Brotherhood in the city as they are sometimes called in as security. The genasi Mason is the most active agent in the city.   The Shadowmasters. The guild has one contact (Drown) who resides in the city. He live in the port district where he organises the smuggling of good and guild members across the Leviathan Channel.   The Curators of Corellon. Most of the artisans of the city belong to the guild. For the most part they keep to themselves, however once a month they meet in the council hall to display their work. This is a large event and the more wealthy residents of the city are known to frequent this convention, looking to buy the cities best wares which would only be found here.


Newport was built on the site of an old town after the events during The Confluence which destroy to original port city of Astbrough and it's surrounding lands. It started small, but has been the fastest growing city in Concordia, becoming the second largest city on the continent, which has allowed it to take up the position Astbrough had in the realm.


The architecture of the city varies from district to district. The working class homes are made of plaster and wood (Tudor style), the merchant district builds are predominantly made of stone and wood (Baroque style), while the noble district have the most elaborate houses made of brick with metal fences and gardens (Georgian style).   Anderwin Estate Description:
  • Sits of a small hill with a set of stone steps
  • Large, ornate, wooden arch with the name ‘Anderwin’ carved into the crossbeam at the top f the stairs
  • The main house is large with stone fortifications around its first floor, sloped roofs connect to each floor as they get progressively smaller until they reach a pointed tip.
  • Surrounding on the side and appearing to go round the back of the property are a variety of smaller houses, still nice but of lesser quality
  • a single doorway into the main house sits above a second staircase, leading to the properties 1st floor.
  • The Dining room – Lit by sconces along the side walls. A long, polished, wooden banquet table surrounded by panelled walls adorned with scenic artwork and tapestries. The chairs are upholstered with a deep crimson fabric.
Davenfield Estate Description:
  • A large wooden fence runs around the property
  • The main house is surround by three other large buildings made of stone and wood, the smell in the air is that of hay and livestock.
  • The main housesits at the center of the property. A wide, stone building, two stories tall with a red slate roof. Around the elevated ground floor is an impressive wooden deck with encompasses the house with stairs leading to it on the four sides of the house.
Rottland Estate Description:
  • 10ft stone wall with red slate tiles
  • Large, double wooden doors with two guards
  • Large, three-story building adorned with the same red slate tiles
  • Secondary building to the right, two stories


A large river runs along the south side of the city which acts as a moat to that part of the city. The city is also built on a large cliff against The Leviathan Channel.


  • Newport

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