Ares Onasis


The Husband of Phoebe Onasis    Father of Orion Onasis  and Zoe Onasis    A very nice guy,   Used to run Onasis Gyro and Malts with his wife.
Known History
Went to College for Adventurers at Minos Point was friends with Bhumi Kaowtor and Alvis Sifuentes and Stellio Copperfield /.
Helped cover up the murder of Nataal Sairoisi .
Opens up Onasis Gyro and Malts and runs it for many years before his history catches up with him and he is sentenced for his part in the cover up.

Long Sumemry CAMP Year One 

Introduction and Role: Aries is a cleric with a history of healing, who works at a malt shop in Bliznia . Once a more prominent figure, Aries now seems to be weighed down by past events and personal struggles. His presence is often marked by a sense of depression and detachment from his former roles.
Involvement in School Dynamics: Aries is a former healer who once held significant influence but is now seen as somewhat of a "has-been" in the eyes of some, particularly in relation to the younger generation's view of him.
Connections to Key Events: He is seen interacting with various characters at the malt shop, including Zoe and his daughter, Phobe. His relationships within the family and his involvement in the broader events at the academy hint at deeper personal conflicts and a sense of loss or regret.

Strained Relationships: The Onasis family is portrayed as having complex and strained relationships, particularly between Aries and his children. Aries' past and current state of depression, Orion's struggles with expectations and involvement in criminal activities, and Phobe's dark secret all contribute to a sense of a family burdened by its past and present.


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