CAMP Session 68

A part of CAMP
Within CAMP Year Two
    CAMP Session 68 Ship Tactics: The group engages in ship tactics, but Hyria Valeriana is frustrated to find out they have a permanent stealth disadvantage.
Heist Planning: The timeline for the heist is finalized: it will take place during the political banquet. The group has secured Gaius Basil ’s key with the help of Deidolo , though he's seen as a greedy bastard for using your divine interventions to do so. The next step is to obtain Percival Bloom ’s key in the morning.
Personal Goal: The protagonist is focused on figuring out how to get their stuff back from Eromena {New God} , including their precious +14 modifier. The episode is centered on finalizing the heist plans, securing necessary keys, and dealing with personal challenges and goals.



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