Heist of Basil Mansion


Happens during CAMP CAMP Year Two 


  The heist at Gaius Basil 's mansion is one of the most intricate and pivotal events in the series, involving careful planning, high-stakes action, and a deep dive into the supernatural elements that pervade the world of Bliznia .
Planning the Heist:
The heist is orchestrated by a group of characters who need to break into the mansion of Basil, a powerful and influential figure in Bliznea. The goal of the heist is to retrieve several critical items, including keys held by Basil and Percival Bloom , and to access a vault rumored to contain powerful artifacts, including the Seal of the 8th Circle and Percy's arcane focus.
  The group explores multiple potential entry points:
  Garden Entrance: This area is less guarded, with young women tending to plants inside. It offers a relatively straightforward but cautious approach.
Train Tracks: This entrance is tied to a garage and is considered less promising due to higher risks and exposure.
Front Entrance: This formal entrance is heavily monitored, making it challenging for stealth.
Side Entrance: A staff entrance that requires disguises and proper identification to access.
Secret Passageway: This is the most promising route, involving a secret, dilapidated passage hidden by unnatural stone. The group ultimately decides to use this entrance for the heist.
Executing the Heist:
The group splits into two teams:
  Team One (Sneak Team): Led by characters like Heagwin Helstain  and Folantis Pluma , this team uses the secret passageway to access the mansion's vault. They encounter a series of challenges, including a riddle involving bones and the need for various types of damage (radiant, necrotic, etc.) to unlock the vault door.
Team Two: Disguised as staff, they navigate the mansion and deal with various obstacles, including controlling maids and evading detection.
Vault Discoveries:
Inside the vault, the group finds several powerful items, including:
  • Percy's arcane focus
  • Seal of the 8th Circle
  • An animated shield
  • A staff with unknown powers
  • A Cape of Mountebank that smells of brimstone

These items are crucial for the group’s ongoing battle against the dark forces in Bliznea, particularly in their plans to confront Beelzebul and the other devilish powers at play.
  Confrontations and Escape:
The heist is complicated by several unexpected events:
  The mansion's maids discover the group, leading to a tense confrontation. Cila uses control magic to defuse the situation.
Stellio Copperfield  and Xindrus Helstain  are revealed to be inside the mansion, potentially as allies. They provide critical assistance during the group's escape.
The group manages to escape through a train that runs through the mountain, splitting up afterward to deal with the heist’s aftermath.
  Aftermath and Impact:
Theo's Group: They face chaos in Bliznea, discovering that Ulrich has been kidnapped. Theo realizes that Thomas Bareak  is involved in the kidnapping, leading to further tension and mistrust.
Back at CAMP: The other half of the group returns to CAMP to find it under tight security, with discussions about their next steps and the consequences of their actions.
Rhubarb’s Condition: Back at the Boys' and Girls' Club, Rhubarb is in critical condition after the battle, leading to a desperate search for medical assistance.
The heist at Basil’s mansion is not just a theft; it’s a turning point in the series, setting the stage for the final confrontations between the characters and the dark forces that threaten to engulf Bliznea. It also reveals the deep-seated corruption and the lengths to which the characters must go to protect what they value.


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