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Aldebaran V4: Impending Doom and Pits

General Summary

The party set upon their various tasks in the morning. Most of it was gathering last minute supplies for their trip to the Dethvale. However, on his way to the carriage, Mordecai would be stopped by none other than Ogazi. Bringing dire warning, she'd tell him that Cosiax was in terrible danger. She sees the drow forces rising out and taking the city by force, their opposition being destroyed, and that it wouldn't even be close. Warning him to get out while he and the rest of the party can, she would leave just as quickly. Something stalked her, and that it would be dangerous for her to be caught with him.   With a more urgent step, Morecai would find his allies at the carriage and repeat the warning. Thinking immediately to get half of the payment from Prouthec before leaving, they'd also decide to deliver the warning to him too. The Guard Captain didn't seem to take the threat seriously, stating that while yes, the drow were proving to be a problem, Cosiax was a well defended fortress of a city that housed many powerful beings. He couldn't imagine the city falling, but he would consider their premonitions and agree to give the party the requested up-front pay.   The party left the city hoping that the warning would prove at all helpful. With Mordecai at the helm, the rest of the party would make small talk inside until they'd get jolted out of their seats. A wheel had mysteriously broken off from the carriage, and a well dressed bandity looking fellow stepped out into the road and offered to fix it for them.   They were clearly getting robbed, the bandit revealed himself to be the famous Pits McGee. Demanding 4000 gp for the repairs, they'd try to lure him closer. They'd haggle down to 3000 gp, requesting he come over and grab it. But Ol' Pits McGee was too smart for that, and instead had one of his subordinates come forth to collect the payment. A tank of an Iruxi, he'd bear the brunt of the party's attacks once he got within range.   The Pit Bandits owned up to their name, and fought the party within a minefield of pits. Strangely enough, they also fought without the intent to kill them. Using blunted arrows, non-lethal spells, and merciful weapons, they'd still prove to be a bit of a challenge. Sha would try to pit the Pits McGee, but he'd just barely manage to get out of the way. His companion, Holestee, would fall victim however. In retribution, Pits McGee would pit Sha, and also accidently but conveniently drop a carriage over the top of hole.   The battle was an absolute cluster. Combatants falling down holes and trying to get out, attacks going wide, ambushes from hidden foes waiting for the right time. It all ended very suddenly though when Rozalin went forth and smashed Crater's head off. The Pit Bandits were aghast. One of their own had been killed so quickly, so brutally, they gave up right then and there. Obviously unhappy that the bandits had tried to rob them, they would demand compensation. But the manner of compensation differed between party members. Sha was angry, he wanted Crater's body and their lives. They begged to have his body back, offering all their stuff in exchange. Mordecai, Rozalin, Luner, and Revi all thought this a fair exchange. But Sha's new mark allowed a dark being to speak with him. Kill them it said, forgiveness is not allowed. He would disobey, and be brought down to the floor in agony.   The Pit Bandits fled, having fixed their cart and leaving their stuff behind. The party was confused as to what happened though. With a sharp and venomous comment, Sha only stated that he had been finding means for more power while the rest of the did nothing but drink at the bar. Getting back on track with the mood now gloomy, the party makes their way to the Dethvale crypt.

Rewards Granted

  • 10k gp upfront payment from Prouthec.
  • The Pit Bandits loot.

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Defeated the Pit Bandits.

Character(s) interacted with

Prouthec (Amurrun) - The party would warn him about Ogazi's warning. He didn't think it was possible the drow could harm the town in any significant manner, and would mostly brush the warning off.   Ogazi (Kitsune) - She would find Mordecai and take him to the side, warning of the city's impending doom. Ever vague, she didn't explain why other than to say that the battle would not even be close.   The Pit Bandits - A group of weirdo bandits who trap passerbys in their pit fields. They broke the wheel of their carriage and said they could fix it for 4000 gold pieces, but the party wasn't having any of that. The bandits seemed to be against killing, and went out of their way to non-lethally attack them, but the fight ended suddenly when their front-line tank, Crater, was obliterated by Rozalin. Their group is listed below.
Ending In-Game Date & Time
Janarth 8th 294 A.D. / 1pm
Report Date
21 May 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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