Setite Ethnicity in Aldern | World Anvil


the First Travelers


The Setite were a branch of the Adaite tribe of Daemon, at the beginning of history. Like their kin the Canite, the Setite had a wanderlust and traveled the hills of Enish and eventually through Wat Qu Waten (the Cutting Mountains). There are few records of these people beyond their reference in the Sacred Codex and Stonefoot Carvings. In both it is told that they would travel the hills collecting weathered rocks to share back home with the Adaite and Alumite, and would create sundried clay vessels to carry these and other small items.


The most famous Setite is a man named Kat founder of the Katilan culture. He is known to have journeyed settle in the region known to the ancients as Katiland. The man took with him many women from his tribe, claiming them all as his wives.

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