
the First Adventures


Canites, according to legend in the Epic of Can, where followers of the mythic hero Can. They are considered the first people to set out to explore the world beyond the mythical land of Garden.


They are said to be of the descendants of the Adaite tribe of Daemon living to the 'cool meadows' of western Garden. These younger generation of daemon grew restless and left their homeland to explore Aldern traveling along the coast of what the Epic of Can called the Edin Sea (modern day Lake Bemused). The believed date of this travel in in the Randond Period in the years of -4400 pre-sc, best guess.


The Canite tribe travels as far west as Gir Kur, which they call the 'Ends of Aldern.' There they experience an eruption of the Giru Mountain volcano and what they describe in the Epic of Can as the birth of a Dragon. After which the Canite return to the lands west of Garden building a settlement known as Noch.


Settled now after years of wondering the world, the Canite develop apart from their kin in Garden. They begin to view Alu as a mother entity rather than a father figure, using the name Arith as Gods given name. Childbirth becomes a sacred event as does sex. The buildings of Noch become a ritualistic communal space for reproduction. Women that have given birth become priestess of the goddess, they wombs an extention of creation itself.

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