Ama Tora

the Roots of Thoa


Ama Tora is a seed of Elder Tree Seblug. It grew on the Thoamaine Peninsula of Tinjir, within what is today known as the Scaro Wilds. Though there is some contest to the claim, most now believe the ruins around the remains of this tree to it be the ancient capital of Mya Toeman Mair of the Areian Nations. The ancient name of these ruins has been lost, but in the modern day it is known as Gul Tora.


Despite its apparent prominence in Elf history, especially the Toeman'are people, very little in the way of written accounts survive to the modern day to tell us more about this Ama Tree. Only one record was known to account for this tree, a scroll that has now been lost to history. It the scroll we get the name of an ama tree named Tora within the lands of Mya Toeman Mair. This has led scholar to believe Ama Tora is that tree.


With the loss of these records, we also have lost its fate. It is belived that the tree survived Dragonfall, as there is evidence of burning or regrowth on the remains. Sometime that event after the tree was cut in two, with the top half being complete lost. When, who and how this happened is still an unknown of history. The Ruk Orchold that controls Gul Tora seem to have little interest in this or allowing any would be scholars to study the site or the surrounding their ruins.


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