Seblug Myth in Aldern | World Anvil

Seblug (seb LUG)

Elder Tree Seblug, the Seventh Seed


The last of the seeds of Aterleg, Seblug was also the most sacred of the Elder Tree for the Elf. Seblug grew in their homeland and, according to their myths it created the forest Karasaanu for them to dwell. Some elven legends even claim that Seblug created the Griffins that dwelt in the great forest. This is largely considered false by modern scholars as this would be the only known account of the elder trees having the ability to create anything other than plant life. These legends probably originate from Seblug's choice of Narasan being the great griffin Annaxan.


With the arrival of Gilgurth in 1200pre-sc, and the world destruction it brought, Seblug and its surrounding forest within its Mantle became a refuge. As the forests and world burned and flooded outside the Feyite of the tree worked to rescue survivors and bring them into the protection of Seblug. Elven history calms them to be led by the legendary Woyd son of Fey. As the mythical history of the elven people goes, these survivors and the Feyites would become the ancestors of all modern Woyd'are.


Through the ages Seblug served its forest, the elves, and the Nhanah Fairy that dwelt within its branches. The tree was lost, during Dragonfall when Karasaanu burnt. Rumors persist that its charred stump is still out there somewhere in the sands of the Desert of Anbar. It seems every few years some rich fool or noble lord gets a grand idea of finding the Seblug’s Corpse and exploiting the Magic that they feel must still reside within. Most end in disappointment or tragedy.

Narasan - Annaxan, the Copper Griffin


Fairy - The 'Little People' or 'Nhanah', of elder tree Seblug, are a community of fairy living in Tinjir. Thought lost with their tree in Dragonfall, some of these people still live on the Enisle islands with the elves.


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